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The Disney Star Wars Hotel, a postmortem by Jenny Nicholson

Started by Ratman_tf, May 29, 2024, 12:32:15 AM

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I don't mind the create-a-saber and create-a-droid being separate. I wouldn't do either, simply because I have no space to display them in.


That was very interesting.  I like how a 'influencer' actually had better, and more practical ideas on how to improve the 'experience', that would also have been cost effective.  took me 3 days to watch it all.

I also liked the post mortem, where disnee painted themselves into a corner by placing hte hotel behind the park where access is terrible, etc.  so that it makes it super hard to reuse or repurpose, tho i think she came up with a good idea to reuse it.

I could use this as evidence that the great dumbing down of american generations led to this disaster, people who think they are smart, yet have no real clues about how the real world works, in terms of business.  yeah im an old fart, but jenny is young, she had great insight and ideas.


Quote from: Lurkndog on June 10, 2024, 10:52:16 AMI don't mind the create-a-saber and create-a-droid being separate. I wouldn't do either, simply because I have no space to display them in.

It just seems a bit much to upcharge people for that stuff when they are already paying $6,000+. 
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: Lurkndog on June 10, 2024, 10:52:16 AMI don't mind the create-a-saber and create-a-droid being separate. I wouldn't do either, simply because I have no space to display them in.

Whats sad is that you can leave the hotel/ship and go get your saber and then can not bring it back into the hotel. Winder if cant bring the droid either?

And the Galaxy Edge area has a prohibition on costuming so what happens to the people in costume for the ship???

Moot point now. But makes you wonder how they juggled the conflicting restrictions when it was running.


Quote from: orbitalair on June 10, 2024, 11:11:00 AMThat was very interesting.  I like how a 'influencer' actually had better, and more practical ideas on how to improve the 'experience', that would also have been cost effective.  took me 3 days to watch it all.

As noted before. They questioned us in the LARPing forums before ever even planning this and far as we can guess is they walked away with the idea of NPCs and quests. But then filed patent on the mission organizer and interactive environment before opening Galaxies Edge and then the starship hotel.

Automating it was a good idea. But I bet they never playtested it, or did not playtest it at high capacity.

They could repurpose the ship into a Guardians of the Galaxy hotel. IF they retooled the system.


Quote from: yosemitemike on June 10, 2024, 11:47:19 AM
Quote from: Lurkndog on June 10, 2024, 10:52:16 AMI don't mind the create-a-saber and create-a-droid being separate. I wouldn't do either, simply because I have no space to display them in.

It just seems a bit much to upcharge people for that stuff when they are already paying $6,000+. 

Disney's treatment of guests has deteriorated even more than the parks have.


Quote from: Omega on June 11, 2024, 09:13:03 AM
Quote from: orbitalair on June 10, 2024, 11:11:00 AMThat was very interesting.  I like how a 'influencer' actually had better, and more practical ideas on how to improve the 'experience', that would also have been cost effective.  took me 3 days to watch it all.

As noted before. They questioned us in the LARPing forums before ever even planning this and far as we can guess is they walked away with the idea of NPCs and quests. But then filed patent on the mission organizer and interactive environment before opening Galaxies Edge and then the starship hotel.

Automating it was a good idea. But I bet they never playtested it, or did not playtest it at high capacity.

They could repurpose the ship into a Guardians of the Galaxy hotel. IF they retooled the system.

Yeah its not the theme, its all the elements therein.  like the other 2 gameplay tests they did (not using smartphones but paper booklets), seemed to be on the right track.  But were never used.

The droid tests, that again werent used.  The interactive elements that were never installed in a new building.

Someone in the comments mentioned Laser Tag as an activity, that could have been pretty interesting.  Esp if one could incorporate light sabers in the game.

As a guest the 100% dependence on a smartphone with a highly confusing app would have killed it for me.  I go on vacation to ditch my phone.

A fundamental problem is how do you engage everyone at the same level of intensity in a LARP with only 2-3 story threads??  A Braun type game works with say 10-20 people, but 200 ?  A better tack may have been to have disney player take 8-12 guests as their 'faction' when they arrived. Disney could preset the guests or let them pick a faction before the 'cruise', much like you set your options before a real cruise.  This disney player would be the leader for the 2 days.  This keeps everyone organized and engaged.

Ultimately they married the most expensive elements(hotel, live show, fine dining) into a small venue with no way to recoup the investment or operating expenses.  Business 101.

uh after writing all this it feels like dead horse beating.

Have great day everyone.


The creator of Photon way back had the idea of making Niven's Dream Park novels into a reality. Just with light guns and special melee weapons and practical effects instead of animatronics, actors and holograms. Even prototyped a place. But the tech just had not yet caught up with the concept.

I think with the advances made we are close. I just think no one really expected holograms to never get as sophisticated as Dream Park.


Defunctland just posted this Kids City LARP-like city sim for kids and holy heck Disney should have taken notes from this set up and execution. Too bad it had so many problems behind the scenes. Also a neat little history of various similar efforts.


Quote from: Lurkndog on May 29, 2024, 12:44:50 PMFour hours is way too long for a youtube video

You don't spend much time on YouTube, I guess :P