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The Acolyte

Started by Eirikrautha, June 06, 2024, 03:25:21 PM

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Just my 2 cents on fan fiction and using the Force. In my thread about fan creations for Star Wars, none of the fan films posted have Jedi in them or Force users in action except as background. The stories are about everyday people in the Star Wars universe and not what you'd consider heroes, but they are good stories nonetheless. The key is the writing.

The Acolyte fails as media due to shit writing and a lot of fan films (like "Days Past") succeed due to competent well-thought out writing.

Not saying that there aren't some shit fan films out there, but a lot are better than what Disney+ has been shoveling at the subscribers.


Quote from: jeff37923 on July 03, 2024, 07:00:53 PMJust my 2 cents on fan fiction and using the Force. In my thread about fan creations for Star Wars, none of the fan films posted have Jedi in them or Force users in action except as background. The stories are about everyday people in the Star Wars universe and not what you'd consider heroes, but they are good stories nonetheless. The key is the writing.

The Acolyte fails as media due to shit writing and a lot of fan films (like "Days Past") succeed due to competent well-thought out writing.

Not saying that there aren't some shit fan films out there, but a lot are better than what Disney+ has been shoveling at the subscribers.

That's the key: good writing.  Partly that requires experience, which none of these Disney writers have.  They've been hired for their sex, color, and sexuality, not because they know how to write compelling stories (primarily because they've never done anything worthwhile in their lives).  Partly it requires something complex to say, and these Disney writers have nothing worth saying.  They live in a simple, binary world.  There's "good" (them), and "evil" (not them), and their stories exist to affirm their moral superiority, not to ask moral questions or demonstrate moral answers.  Great stories cross time and culture, to touch on those parts of us that we share as fundamental human beings.  These people can only tell superficial stories about themselves.  And that is why they fail...
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


Quote from: Ratman_tf on July 03, 2024, 05:01:04 PM
Quote from: ForgottenF on July 03, 2024, 04:16:38 PMThe funny thing about Return of the Jedi is that nothing Luke does in the final act matters in the grand scheme of things. Confronting the Emperor and turning Vader back to the light is a spiritual victory and completes his journey to become a Jedi, but without it, Han would still have dropped the shields and Lando would still have blown up the Death Star.

Kinda what I meant in my (much) earlier post about how Star Wars works best when the light-vs-dark battle is kept personal to the characters and not made the central conflict of the setting.

I think Luke put it best in the shuttle. "I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come."
But he had Jedi (plot) stuff to do there.

Arguably, being distracted by Luke meant Vader wasn't on Endor, and the Emperor was focused on turning Luke to the dark side instead of the battle around him.

It's absolutely this.

We can ignore all of the ex post facto explanations involving Force powers that were invented later and assigned to Palpatine to rebut the argument that Luke did nothing. They're totally unnecessary. If Darth Vader is down on the forest moon, the rebels get stomped. Period.

Everybody knows that if Luke isn't confronting Vader, everyone who is not Luke has to do it, and they can't.

Armchair Gamer

Quote from: Corolinth on July 11, 2024, 06:28:16 PMIt's absolutely this.

We can ignore all of the ex post facto explanations involving Force powers that were invented later and assigned to Palpatine to rebut the argument that Luke did nothing. They're totally unnecessary.

  Maybe, but they're not quite ex post facto--it shows up in the original novelization:

QuoteFor the Emperor was dead. The central, powerful evil that had been the cohesive force to the Empire was gone; and when the dark side was this diffused, this nondirected—this was simply where it led. Confusion. Desperation. Damp fear.

Lucas, George; Kahn, James. Star Wars Trilogy (Star Wars Trilogy Boxed Book 2) . Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Quote from: Armchair Gamer on July 11, 2024, 08:11:54 PM
Quote from: Corolinth on July 11, 2024, 06:28:16 PMIt's absolutely this.

We can ignore all of the ex post facto explanations involving Force powers that were invented later and assigned to Palpatine to rebut the argument that Luke did nothing. They're totally unnecessary.

  Maybe, but they're not quite ex post facto--it shows up in the original novelization:

QuoteFor the Emperor was dead. The central, powerful evil that had been the cohesive force to the Empire was gone; and when the dark side was this diffused, this nondirected—this was simply where it led. Confusion. Desperation. Damp fear.

Lucas, George; Kahn, James. Star Wars Trilogy (Star Wars Trilogy Boxed Book 2) . Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

I have no doubt that like LOTR Sauron, the Emperor was doing some Dark Side mojo to make the Empire more Empier-ey. But also I think fans put too much weight on any one factor in his reign. He also manipulated people and institutions regardless of Force and Dark Side factors.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


great thread, guys, tickled my inner nerd and star wars fan in all the special places - didn't expect that looking at the title. thank you <3

one special piece made in star wars universe i'd personally mention that offers an interesting take on some of the stuff discussed here would be kotor games, especially the 2nd one. not to spoil anything - the games are so old that some may not have played them - it explores the Force as, you know, its own power in the universe, and offers an interesting perspective to view the events of the movies even.
the games are completely standalone though, and are not considered canon afaik, but it's pretty clear that they influenced filoni (i think he says that much in some of his interviews on the subject) and maybe others as well.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out


Revan was slated to appear in Clone Wars as a force ghost or sith force ghost. But never happened apparently.


First (and likely only) season is finished. I have not watched one episode and have no interest in doing so. The reactions is that the show was incoherent. I can totally understand. I think this has been a thing in modern entertainment. I noticed it in the 2009 Star Trek reboot. Payoff without setup. Scenes for pure, exaggerated drama. Over the top action without tension. I think it's that instead of being inspired by sources, they're rote copying the "cool" parts of older, better movies and shows without understanding them.
When a woke progressive goes this route, and then interjects their checklist of diversity, equity and inclusion, it's a special kind of terrible storytelling.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


I tried watching it again.  How is this show so boring?  How do they make a 35 minute episode seem like it drags on forever?  How is there so much stupid padding in a show that is only 8 episodes long?  Why is everyone so stupid?  Why does nothing anyone do make any sense? 
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Spoilers in the video, if anyone cares.

"The place is made of stone, so the fire spreads quickly."



Either Disney is lying about the numbers or people are hate watching the show (they pay for Mandilorian anyway, I guess).
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing. ~Robert E. Howard


The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Quote from: yosemitemike on July 17, 2024, 07:18:33 PMI tried watching it again.  How is this show so boring?  How do they make a 35 minute episode seem like it drags on forever?  How is there so much stupid padding in a show that is only 8 episodes long?  Why is everyone so stupid?  Why does nothing anyone do make any sense? 

Im starting to suspect it was written by "AI". But having seen alot of shows long before AI that have these soers of idiot plots... who knows.


Just gonna leave this here

Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell