If a woman has yellow hair, she is a blonde.
If a woman has brown hair, she is a brunette.
If a woman has red hair, she is a redhead.
If a woman has black hair, she is a...a....why the fuck is there no word for this? How does that happen? What's up with the lack of love for women with black hair? I mean I'm pretty sure it's the most common hair color in the world, but it gets no word?
I seriously wonder about that. A lot.
Women with black hair are also usually thought of as brunettes.
Either that or just really nice looking women.
- Ed C.
(as much as women change their hair color these days - whats the big deal?)
Some authors describe black-haired women as "Raven-haired".
- Ed C.
Quote from: Koltar;222333Some authors describe black-haired women as "Raven-haired".
Yeah, but it doesn't flow off the tongue the same way. Also, it has the
exact same number of letters as "black-haired". Which annoys me.
Consider these statements:
"I don't really dig brunettes, I prefer blondes."
"I don't really dig blondes, I prefer redheads."
"I don't really dig redheads, I prefer brunettes."
"I don't really dig brunettes, I prefer raven-haired."
"I don't really dig raven-haired, I prefer redheads."
See how "raven-haired" stands out and doesn't flow the way the rest do?
I'd suggest that we should adopt the word ravens to refer to women with black hair, but "raven" has other implications that it carries along that could be interpreted as insulting.
And the last thing I want to have happen is to say "I prefer ravens over redheads, redheads over brunettes, brunettes over blondes, and blondes over bald." and then have some uber-PC waterhead jump down my throat with accusations of racism, since most non-white women are ravens, and thus I'm calling women of color scavenging birds.
And yes, that is
exactly how uber PC moonbats think.
EDIT: oops, didn't realize you posted twice. I didn't know that black hair was considered brunette. That's confusing. Because black hair is way, way sexier than brown hair.
Since blond is of Spanish origin, brunette is French, and redhead is English it's linguisticly ok to pick whatever sounds cool and run with it. It's not like there's some unified theory of naming women after their haircolor that you're transgressing.
On the other hand, terms for African-American hair are so overloaded with racist innuendo you're probably wise to just stear clear of talking about black hair entirely -- at least if you fear the PC police. I've got hair that is black, but if I call my hair "black hair" in the wrong company? Heaven help me!
With that said, if you want to speak of your admiration for black haired Caucasian women, I've heard the WWII crowd call them "Betties" after the pinup model Bettie Page.
Quote from: Jackalope;222328If a woman has yellow hair, she is a blonde.
If a woman has brown hair, she is a brunette.
If a woman has red hair, she is a redhead.
If a woman has black hair, she is a...
...stone fox.
'blackhead'? :D
Is that Bebe Newirth? She's hot. I hate to admit it, but I think Lilith is one of the sexiest female characters ever.
Quote from: Malleus Arianorum;222383Since blond is of Spanish origin
No, the word "blond" is not of Spanish origin. I admit I don't know the etymology of "blond", but I'm pretty sure you won't find it in Spanish.
In Spanish isn't blond rubio(a)?
Blond(e) is French I believe.
Jackalope, I was troubled by the same thing, although as a kid I simply didn't worry about the etymology of "brunette", so I viewed hair colors sort of like favorite ice-cream flavors. I.e., if you aren't blonde, you are brunette, unless you're a redhead, but almost nobody is. (In ice cream, if you don't like vanilla, you like chocolate, unless you like strawberry. There are no other flavors/hair colors!)
The COD says blond is Middle English, from French, derived from medieval Latin blondus or blundus.
Chinese English-speakers do refer to themselves as 'blackheads' sometimes.
Quote from: Jackalope;222499Is that Bebe Newirth? She's hot. I hate to admit it, but I think Lilith is one of the sexiest female characters ever.
Did you accidentally grab my script?
Thats the shtick people accuse me of......
- Ed
Quote from: Koltar;222645Did you accidentally grab my script?
Thats the shtick people accuse me of......
If the scthick in reference is being attracted to women who are clearly bad news, then we may have to fight over it.
Which I don't wnat to do. Death-match with a Klingon is right up there with land war in Asia and going in with a Sicilian when death is on the line.
The only thing I really wonder about is, did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?