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[music] Bands you like?

Started by Thanatos02, September 22, 2008, 01:44:05 AM

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Quote from: Ian Absentia;252040I won't just rattle off a list of my personal faves to impress the rest of you
Is your ego really so huge that you would assume we who made mere lists are only out to impress you?  Despite your tone though you do have a point.  I'll elaborate my post on why I like said bands.

Quote from: Ian Absentiabut I will mention a CD to which I listened very recently.
Ah cool, perhaps I will check them out.

Quote from: Koltar;252043Any of you guys got YouTube links for these lesser known bands?

That way we can sample them and see if we like the bands enough to grab a CD or download.

- Ed C.
Planning on editing links in when I get home as I realized I can't do it here at work.
"A thousand fathers killed, a thousand virgin daughters spread, with swords still wet, with swords still wet, with the blood of their dead." - Protest the Hero


Quote from: Koltar;252043Any of you guys got YouTube links for these lesser known bands?

That way we can sample them and see if we like the bands enough to grab a CD or download.

- Ed C.

Hey, that's a good idea. I'll see if I can't dig some up tonight or tomorrow. I don't think my music knowledge is as extensive as some other posters, but hey, that's one of the reasons I was happy to come back to this thread. Music is one of those things I love, but I'm not really tapped into any music groups or anything. I'll go to a store or briefly hear about a band and still pass on buying a CD if I don't get a chance to listen to their music first, because I don't historically have money to blow on something I'm not going to like.
God in the Machine.

Here's my website. It's defunct, but there's gaming stuff on it. Much of it's missing. Sorry.

I've got a blog. Do you read other people's blogs? I dunno. You can say hi if you want, though, I don't mind company. It's not all gaming, though; you run the risk of running into my RL shit.


Quote from: Thanatos02;252414........ Music is one of those things I love, but I'm not ...................

Thats true for me as well for the most part.
 Thats why there are links to 3 music videos in my signature spot.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


I'm not actually sure what's obscure and what's not in what I've mentioned.
The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four

Pierce Inverarity

I was recently reunited with about a thousand vinyls from back in the day. I had forgotten I own an LP by Warsaw (later known as Joy Division). The thing is, I can't listen to bands any more.

These days, I'm strictly into some dance music or other, like house by Moodymann, or even superhypnotic dub, like Rhythm & Sound. Or Carl Craig.




The other day I found a very cool instrumental version of ye olde Move Your Body--


Funny, the kids in the comments section call that "techno"--ah, it's good to be young.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


I've recently gotten hold of We Started Nothing by The Ting Tings and have fallen in love with it.

That's Not My Name video

Shut Up and Let Me Go video

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Idinsinuation;252045Is your ego really so huge that you would assume we who made mere lists are only out to impress you?
To impress me specifically?  Yes, of course I thought this whole thread was started to appeal to me. My ego really is that huge.

Threads like these usually result in people rattling off lists of their favorite bands without meaningful description or explanation, either out of disregard to what others think, or to hopefully score cred with like-minded folk of similar tastes who already know about the groups.  That's what I was referring to.

Now, here's another CD I was listening to:

Iodine, by Half Cousin
Just around this time a year ago, I found I couldn’t sleep one night, and stumbling about the Internet to kill time while everyone else in the house slept I chanced upon a co-op radio station from London that was playing all sorts of oddities and avant garde weirdness.  A couple of cuts they played were these strange, dark, lonely, clanky-but-sweet tunes by a Scottish duo (out of the Orkneys, actually).  I was hooked immediately and Half Cousin became “my new favorite band” overnight. I can't guarantee that they'll resonate with anyone else -- they can be more than a bit challenging -- but they're fantastic.



I've been listening to.....
Tiger Army
Starlite Wranglers
Lamb Of God
Dead Kennedys
Black Flag
Abney Park


Quote from: Ian Absentia;252506Threads like these usually result in people rattling off lists of their favorite bands without meaningful description or explanation...
By and large a very good point.
I was tempted to start an mp3-sharing thread (all free to share, not piracy), but the number of Youtube links have overwhelmed that idea. Sharing the goods is putting your money where your mouth is, provided you actually sell the reader on the link/file you're sharing.

A corollary to all this: that's a nice blurb for Half-cousin. You ought to post it on Amazon (if you're willing to review things there.) Your band has 0 reviews for that album thus far (on Amazon UK).
Don\'t forget rule no. 2, noobs. Seriously, just don\'t post there. Those guys are nuts.

Speak your mind here without fear! They\'ll just lock the thread anyway.

One Horse Town

Quote from: jeff37923;252465I've recently gotten hold of We Started Nothing by The Ting Tings and have fallen in love with it.

That's Not My Name video

Shut Up and Let Me Go video

I like both of those songs, but the rest of the album seemed pretty much the same to me. OK for casual listening, but not on my listening stack. Their Glastonbury set this year was pretty cool though.

Today, in a fit of nostalgia, i picked up Armed & Ready by MSG (Michael Schenker Group, for the uninitiated) and If You Want Blood by AC/DC.


Well, to specify a bit more, I tend to listen to mostly Norwegian Black Metal, or West Coast American Punk. But lately, I've been listening to Abney Park (steampunk) and Tiger Army (psychobilly).

Ian Absentia

Hows about another?

The Pinker Tones, Wild Animals

These guys are a duo out of the Barcelona club scene, mixing disco, electronica, dance, lounge, and even a little folk.  There are moments when I feel like someone sped up the turntable on a Kraftwerk album and added a dance beat.  Most importantly, they're funny.  And fun.  They know they're doing dumb stuff, but they're great at it.  Normally, I skip past any song dealing with robots – and this CD was no exception at first – but "S.E.X.y.R.O.B.O.T" flew in under my radar and proved to me that it can be done.


Pierce Inverarity

Quote from: Ian Absentia;255268Hows about another?

The Pinker Tones, Wild Animals

I checked them out. No offense, but my ears were bleeding.

This would work as an interrogation device at Gitmo.

Yes, Eurotrashboarding is unconstitutional... but these are troubled times.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Pierce Inverarity;255458I checked them out. No offense, but my ears were bleeding.
No offense taken.  Asshole. :)



Quote from: Ian Absentia;255519No offense taken.  Asshole. :)


My work computer blocks the smilies on this forum and I must say that post took me aback at first until I saw the telltale white dot indicating a missing emoticon.

From now on I'll definitely have to hit edit on a post and check for happy : and ) before I get the wrong impression from posts.:rotfl:
"A thousand fathers killed, a thousand virgin daughters spread, with swords still wet, with swords still wet, with the blood of their dead." - Protest the Hero