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Movie Better than the Book?

Started by Voros, October 19, 2017, 04:04:52 PM

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Quote from: Warboss Squee;1004342Funny thing the suspense was do the stupid robot not working most of the time. Hard to say what we would have gotten if that were not the case.

For sure the robot malfunctions were a happy accident that forced Spielberg's hand.


Quote from: Warboss Squee;1004342Funny thing the suspense was do the stupid robot not working most of the time. Hard to say what we would have gotten if that were not the case.

Same thing happened with E.T.

Warboss Squee

Quote from: Dumarest;1004352Same thing happened with E.T.

That I didn't know.


Quote from: Warboss Squee;1004359That I didn't know.

Yeah, the damned bike wouldn't fly for the longest time...

Warboss Squee

Quote from: Dumarest;1004370Yeah, the damned bike wouldn't fly for the longest time...

Guess Spielberg wasn't enunciating properly.


Quote from: Warboss Squee;1004342Funny thing the suspense was do the stupid robot not working most of the time. Hard to say what we would have gotten if that were not the case.

The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Quote from: jeff37923;1002351I found that the movie The Andromeda Strain was far better than the book of the same name, same with the original Planet of the Apes movie and its source. I'd say the same of the Dragonslayer movie and novel, but I don't know if the movie was taken from the novel or if the novel was just written as a tie-in.

Im 50-50 on andromeda Strain. Despite the changes it still plays fairly well and relatively close to the book. The TV series though was just fucking horroble and stupid.

If I recall correctly about the only thing the Planet of the apes movie shares with the book is the title?

The Dragonslayer book is a novelization of the movie. Same with the Black Hole and Last Starfighter novelizations and many others.


I am one of the three people who like Jackson's Hobbit better than the book.

Edit: Blade Runner. Much better than DADOES.


Quote from: ArrozConLeche;1004944[video=youtube;KfVlxmMbP0o]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfVlxmMbP0o[/youtube]

Cuckoo's Nest: wrong, but it's still a good movie
Girl, Interrupted: both suck, but at least the movie has hot chicks in it even if they do overact
High Fidelity: both terrible and desperately trying to be hip while simultaneously decrying hipsterism
Misery: no knowledge of either
Ghost World: both good and almost nothing alike

Michael Gray

Fight Club is a better movie than the book. And even the author agrees.
Currently Running - Deadlands: Reloaded


Quote from: Michael Gray;1004995Fight Club is a better movie than the book. And even the author agrees.

Geez, it would pretty much have to be. Have you tried reading it?


Quote from: Dumarest;1005016Geez, it would pretty much have to be. Have you tried reading it?

I thought it was an enjoyable book. I was pretty deep into mixed martial arts and muay thai when I read it though; that probably influenced my opinion. Not as good as the movie for sure.


Quote from: Achaerone;1003993Jaws. The Peter Benchley novel is okay, but the first two thirds of it meander through a bunch of subplots that aren't really germane to the central plot. Also, the book, which has to describe everything, just can't approach the suspense that Spielberg builds over the course of the film by spending most of it just suggesting the shark's presence. And the character of Quint is infinitely less colorful and enjoyable in the novel than Robert Shaw's screen performance.

Yes. I think the movie did nail it better than the book.

Come to think of it.

Jurrasic Park the movie is a bit better than the book.

And a really obscure one. The Diamond Lens. The TV show and the book diverge after a point into their own things. Both have their merits. The book delves into what the scientist saw while the show delves into the aftermath of his acquiring the diamond.

Which I think could be a subject for its own thread even. Movies that diverge massively from their source. But are still good.


Shamefully, I like the Milius Conan the Barbarian movie better than any of REH's Conan tales.