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Cuneiform, quill or keyboard?

Started by Sosthenes, May 23, 2007, 11:53:28 AM

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We've got some professional writers here and lots of GMs who probably generate quite some output when preparing or logging sessions.

So, what's your weapon of choice? Graph paper? Some ancient software (GRRM recently confessed that he's still using WordStar)?

Please don't say Notepad ;)


I use Open Office's Writer for most of my notes and for my professional writing.  I lay things out in Scribus, depending on what I'm doing.  Scribus I don't use much for gaming...unless I need to mock up a newspaper or an OPORD or something.

But, I use Ubuntu Linux exclusively, and that's what comes with it.
-JFC Wolz
Co-host of 2 Gms, 1 Mic


I still have an electric typewriter and use it frequently for stuff related to the roleplaying game.
 I also made a huge map for the game recently using posterboard, glue stick and transaparent tape.  Although, I do admit the sheets of paper being gluesticked were modified pdfs printed up from the web..

 Hey Dr. Rotwang - How would you like to see all the star systems and jump routes from the capital of the Imperium to the Spinward Marches at once?

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Pencil and blank printer paper.
The Pernicious Light, or The Wreckers of Sword Island;
A Goblin\'s Progress, or Of Cannons and Canons;
An Oration on the Dignity of Tash, or On the Elves and Their Lies
All for S&W Complete
Playing: Dark Heresy, WFRP 2e

"Elves don\'t want you cutting down trees but they sell wood items, they don\'t care about the forests, they\'\'re the fuckin\' wood mafia." -Anonymous


I recently got a laser printer, too.  Recently like yesterday...it's not hooked up yet.  It should greatly increase my printing output.
-JFC Wolz
Co-host of 2 Gms, 1 Mic


I use good old spiral bound note books, and a pencil alot. I also use that program you asked not to mention. Also I use google documents on my google account. Which is a basic word processor that saves stuff online. So it doesnt cluter up my harddrive.
Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacré mercenaire

Ronin\'s Fortress, my blog of RPG\'s, and stuff

James J Skach

I'm rarely more than a few feet from my laptop - it's all on there, and then backed up to my personal server.

Except some of the character sheet stuff for living greyhawk -and that's unavoidable.
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

J Arcane

Used to be word processors.  WordPerfect 5.1 was my personal favorite back in the day.

Now, I find them too intimidating.

My main tool right now is Blogger.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination


I carry around composition books and sketch books and write down ideas or draw when the mood strikes.  I use Word so I can edit and formalize the ideas.  If I ever get around to it, I plan on scanning in the sketches and putting them with the word documents to hand out to the players.


Computer and pen & paper. I'd love to get my hands on a small, ultraportable laptop--nothing very powerful, just a good battery, a word processor, and Adobe Acrobat. :)
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)

Kyle Aaron

Inside my head. That way, the players can't read my notes or prove any inconsistencies in the game world. Well, they could read things, but my tinfoil hat stops them.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


Quote from: JimBobOzInside my head. That way, the players can't read my notes or prove any inconsistencies in the game world. Well, they could read things, but my tinfoil hat stops them.

 Did you get the hat during the last Warehouse 23 sell-off?
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


My laptop most of the times, I use Word or Wordpad.