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Skeletons of the Gods - short story (audio and text)

Started by Adeptus, June 11, 2024, 03:30:16 AM

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"Skeletons of the Gods" is adark fantasy/horror tale about the man, who always wanted to be someone better, than he was.

I invite You to read:https://adeptusrpg.wordpress.com/2024/02/17/skeletons-of-the-gods-short-story/ or listen to: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nk5RprPrkiU

And here is the fragment.

Thousands of years ago, in a certain kingdom in the far south, there lived a man who always wanted more than he had... wanted to be more than he was. His name has been erased from the records, but the wise people who know this story call this man "The Insatiable One."
He was born into a family of servants of a nobleman. His parents trained him from an early age to take their place one day. They always told him, "Look how lucky you are! You could have been a slave on some plantation, but you are a servant in a rich man's house! Moreover, such a good man. He lets us eat the leftovers from his table and only beats us when he gets really angry. You will have a real paradise with him!"

But this young man was not satisfied with the scraps from the master's table. He wanted to have everything his master had... And more. But he had no idea how to get it.

Years passed, the Insatiable One's parents grew old, and he passed out of adolescence. He took his father's place and became the most trusted servant in the house. This gave him access to every nook and cranny of the large household. One day, while cleaning his master's bedroom, he came across a scroll hidden under his pillow. He immediately took it in his hands, unfolded it and began to look through it. He mastered the art of reading enough to understand the general meaning of the written words. And these were extremely significant words. The lord of the house conspired with another nobleman, an aristocrat from an ancient family, against the prince ruling the province!

Insatiable One was shocked, but after a while the feeling turned into excitement. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for for so many years! He could finally rise above his miserable existence... Over the corpse of that wretched, fat pig he had to serve!