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How different is ok for Star Wars fans?

Started by jhkim, October 04, 2024, 01:55:00 PM

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Quote from: jhkim on October 06, 2024, 06:45:07 PMAlso, there's different degrees of breaking with canon. If the Jedi are fine with love and marriage and attachment, and only recruit people as adults, then that completely invalidates the central plot of the three prequel movies. That's not some obscure line or minor side character or EU book.

I know a number of serious Star Wars fans. For example, I have a good friend (who officiated my wedding) that just got a Wraith Squadron tattoo. I think it's at least plausible that some would find the premise offputting.

I don't think you've understood a part of what I've been saying.

What if what the players' know is wrong?

Yes, the prequels show that attachment leads to the Dark Side and the Jedi believe that. Except the marriage of Luke and Mara demonstrates that isn't always true. So what is true? The players don't really know and it is up to the GM to decide.


If I ever run Star Wars again...which is probably unlikely thanks to Disney...I would build the setting from the Marvel Star Wars comics published between Star Wars and Empire and perhaps those between Empire and Jedi. AKA, maybe the first 60 issues or so.

Why? The old 70s/80s Marvel crew were great authors and illustrators and they were in a truly marvelous predicament:

Imagine having to make Star Wars comics between movies when you had little or no idea what Lucas was going to do next AND you had permission to go in all sorts of directions.

The results ranged from whacky to awesome. Anyone who is a fan of Star Wars and/or Guardians of the Galaxy will really enjoy those comics.

Please don't click on the link below.

My other future possible Star Wars RPG setting would be based entirely on the ORIGINAL Star Wars draft script that is quite unlike the final script, but you get to see the genesis of George Lucas' ideas. Several years ago, Dark Horse did a wonderful comic series based on that script and it would make a very kewl Not-Star Wars-But-Still-Star-Wars RPG setting.

Don't click this link either.


Quote from: Spinachcat on October 06, 2024, 09:10:59 PMIf I ever run Star Wars again...which is probably unlikely thanks to Disney...I would build the setting from the Marvel Star Wars comics published between Star Wars and Empire and perhaps those between Empire and Jedi. AKA, maybe the first 60 issues or so.

Why? The old 70s/80s Marvel crew were great authors and illustrators and they were in a truly marvelous predicament:

Imagine having to make Star Wars comics between movies when you had little or no idea what Lucas was going to do next AND you had permission to go in all sorts of directions.

The results ranged from whacky to awesome. Anyone who is a fan of Star Wars and/or Guardians of the Galaxy will really enjoy those comics.

Please don't click on the link below.

My other future possible Star Wars RPG setting would be based entirely on the ORIGINAL Star Wars draft script that is quite unlike the final script, but you get to see the genesis of George Lucas' ideas. Several years ago, Dark Horse did a wonderful comic series based on that script and it would make a very kewl Not-Star Wars-But-Still-Star-Wars RPG setting.

Don't click this link either.

And if using WEG d6, don't you dare click on the following link.



If I were to run a campaign in a modified original Star Wars universe, I would probably go far back in time, or go just as far forward in time.

Going back, you could run a campaign in the Old Republic of BioWare video game settings, probably during the SWTOR MMO game.  It's got lots of Jedi and Lots of Sith, complete with lore that's available online to read as much as you like. 


Modify The Old Republic Era a bit and have the Sith Empire invade the nascent Republic that still has grass and forests on Coruscant.  A Republic that isn't ready, has no clue about Force Users, and leaders that cannot understand why their larger and better equipped military keeps losing to these unknown Sith Empire that came out of the edge of the galaxy and started conquering.  The problem is belief.  Nobody thinks Force Powers are even real.  When the game starts, a group of religious swordsmen from Tython have just offered to help the Republic.


Run a campaign set in the future like The Ninth Jedi anime.  A galaxy where there are no more Jedi, but the Sith, or Sith-like, dictators are in charge, and it's time to do something about it.  Time to gather up the people willing to fight back, and maybe setup a new Jedi Order while we're at it. 

I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: jeff37923 on October 06, 2024, 09:13:31 PMAnd if using WEG d6, don't you dare click on the following link.


Thank you VERY much Jeff! You saved me tremendous research time and I am very happy that others have used the early SW Marvel comics for their campaign inspiration.

But I won't dare click that link even if I'm not using WEG D6!!


Quote from: weirdguy564 on October 06, 2024, 11:06:46 PMModify The Old Republic Era a bit and have the Sith Empire invade the nascent Republic that still has grass and forests on Coruscant.  A Republic that isn't ready, has no clue about Force Users, and leaders that cannot understand why their larger and better equipped military keeps losing to these unknown Sith Empire that came out of the edge of the galaxy and started conquering.  The problem is belief.  Nobody thinks Force Powers are even real.  When the game starts, a group of religious swordsmen from Tython have just offered to help the Republic.

This sounds like a setting I would really enjoy


Quote from: Mishihari on October 07, 2024, 04:41:12 AM
Quote from: weirdguy564 on October 06, 2024, 11:06:46 PMModify The Old Republic Era a bit and have the Sith Empire invade the nascent Republic that still has grass and forests on Coruscant.  A Republic that isn't ready, has no clue about Force Users, and leaders that cannot understand why their larger and better equipped military keeps losing to these unknown Sith Empire that came out of the edge of the galaxy and started conquering.  The problem is belief.  Nobody thinks Force Powers are even real.  When the game starts, a group of religious swordsmen from Tython have just offered to help the Republic.

This sounds like a setting I would really enjoy


Basically, I combined the first contact with Force Users with the first war against the True Sith Empire of Korriban.

One minor detail. In the Clone Wars cartoon the Sith home world was named, but George changed it.  He liked Morriban.

I prefer the old name more.  I came up with an explanation that in the Sith language Korriban is "Home World", and Morriban means "Dead Home World".  And, of course it's creepy that this race felt the need for a word for this event. It's not canon, but I like it as it allows both to be true.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: Spinachcat on October 07, 2024, 02:38:14 AMBut I won't dare click that link even if I'm not using WEG D6!!
Neither will I.

I DID, however, copy and paste the link into my search bar and hit enter. Good stuff. :D


Quote from: Spinachcat on October 06, 2024, 09:10:59 PMIf I ever run Star Wars again...which is probably unlikely thanks to Disney...I would build the setting from the Marvel Star Wars comics published between Star Wars and Empire and perhaps those between Empire and Jedi. AKA, maybe the first 60 issues or so.

Why? The old 70s/80s Marvel crew were great authors and illustrators and they were in a truly marvelous predicament:

Imagine having to make Star Wars comics between movies when you had little or no idea what Lucas was going to do next AND you had permission to go in all sorts of directions.

The results ranged from whacky to awesome. Anyone who is a fan of Star Wars and/or Guardians of the Galaxy will really enjoy those comics.

Please don't click on the link below.

My other future possible Star Wars RPG setting would be based entirely on the ORIGINAL Star Wars draft script that is quite unlike the final script, but you get to see the genesis of George Lucas' ideas. Several years ago, Dark Horse did a wonderful comic series based on that script and it would make a very kewl Not-Star Wars-But-Still-Star-Wars RPG setting.

Don't click this link either.

Circling back to JHKim's original concern, I think this would be a really effective way of getting Star Wars fans on board. IME Players are pretty prone to the argument from authority, and are usually more willing to engage with something published than they are with pure homebrew. Using the comic continuity, or the original script continuity gives you something you can point to and let them still feel like there's a canon being adhered to, even if it's not the one they're used to. Mentally, it changes things from "I'm taking this thing you love and changing it" to "here's something related to the thing you love that you can explore". I'd guess that would work best with the original script version, since it's so clearly divorced from any of the various Star Wars canons.


I know I'm late to the conversation on this. 3 days of PAINFUL training in OKC and a weekend & Monday catching up on the things that needed to be taken care of.

Back in the day when I played WEG's SW (and the fan made updated version of it) I always increased the influence of things like 'Gray Jedi' (the mention of it in PM made it cannon enough for me) and Jedi that were at odds with the council and Yoda's reliance on one view of the force and governing the council in that mindset.

I had some jedi that had more stoic views or used other historic/philosophy outlooks than that of the jedi council etc.

There were other player / GMs that pushed back against that with the view that 'grey Jedi' were always an excuse for Jedi players to act like sith (ignoring the reference of Qui-Gon Jinn being or leaning toward being 'Gray').

If you go that route, you can keep your setting as close to cannon (well the good cannon in 456 and some of 123 except for midiclorians I hate that from 1, but like you said 789 sucks so completely ignore them) or book/fan popular cannon as you want and your players will have a solid background knowledge without you having to recreate the wheel or catch them up on setting background/changes.

Now, for all the other ideas here , good stuff all

Thanks for the links that I promise I have not and will not look into !


The SWTOR Cinematics are how I like my Star Wars. It's big Big BIG. It has intrigue, skullduggery, cosmic danger, crazy over-the-top awesome. Everything is in play and turned up to 12.


It's Star Wars, and it's different. It's not chained to anything remotely tied to the movies except the names of the institutions and locales that have existed for millennia.

It's the cure for what ails us.


Mini-six Bare Bones Edition has a knockoff Star Wars themed setting in the back of the book.  It's called Imperium in Revolt. 

One of the changes I made was the Star Paladin's "Sense Danger" power on page 31.  As it's written it doesn't work.  It raises defense by 2D6, while lower your offense by -1D6 due to the concentration penalty.  Well, if two knights fight while using this power, they literally can't hit each other.  In D6 Star Wars you need to be within +/-2D6 for there to be a challenge.  If the skill split is larger, then don't bother. 

Instead, I had it turn your plasma Sword into 75% cover against ranged attacks only, while concentrating, with a difficulty target number of 5 per enemy (roll a 15, and you're in cover vs 3 ranged enemies).  In addition, it's effective in any direction, and immune to being blinded.

Also, if the attacker rolls a 1 on the Wild Die, the ranged shot is deflected back an automatically hits the shooter, no roll needed.

The second change was to have knights creating other knights by using a ritual to transfer 1D6 worth of their "magic" skill to the non-psychic, typically a child that has trained for years to be a Paladin.  I did this so there can be family drama as families raise some children to become Paladins, or refuse to do so, or worse, raise a stranger to be a Paladin instead of there own child. 

I also don't have any light or dark sides.  If a Psychic is a mean old bastard, that's got nothing to do withe being psychic.  They're just bad.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: ForgottenF on October 07, 2024, 11:14:15 AM
Quote from: Spinachcat on October 06, 2024, 09:10:59 PMI would build the setting from the Marvel Star Wars comics published between Star Wars and Empire and perhaps those between Empire and Jedi. AKA, maybe the first 60 issues or so.

Why? The old 70s/80s Marvel crew were great authors and illustrators and they were in a truly marvelous predicament

Circling back to JHKim's original concern, I think this would be a really effective way of getting Star Wars fans on board. IME Players are pretty prone to the argument from authority, and are usually more willing to engage with something published than they are with pure homebrew. Using the comic continuity, or the original script continuity gives you something you can point to and let them still feel like there's a canon being adhered to, even if it's not the one they're used to.

I agree the original comics are cool - I enjoyed them a bit as a kid even though I only had a handful of issues. I'm good with expressing which options one likes, but it's not like there has to be one true way.

So I'm going to first give a few ideas about my far-future. If the Republic and Empire are seen as the Roman Republic and Empire, then this would be like the late medieval era of Europe. The galaxy is politically divided into many forces, and there is widespread but not universal tyranny, slavery, and oppression. The Sith were dominant for centuries, but there are factions of other Force-users who have arisen.

  • Known as the "Champions" or "Champions of Liberty", a group of Force-users who are militantly organized in trying to end tyranny, free slaves, and spread just rule. They are most like the Rebellion in aesthetic -- they are democratic and take votes among members of a chapter. (So as a religion they're more like Scottish Presbyterians than Catholics.) They wear different clothes rather than robes or uniforms. They act in chapters and squads rather than having master and apprentice. They recruit new members as young adults. Their force powers are more direct and less mystical.
  • Known as "Keepers" or "Keepers of the Way", a group of Force-users who are organized as communities of families. Everyone in the village learns about the Force and reveres it, even though only a few have great talent. Children are thus raised by their families in the Force. They have some of the close-knit feel of Tibetan Buddhist or Amish villages, though they don't reject technology per se. A community will go out to defend and help people in their area, but they don't go on missions across the galaxy. Their powers are more subtle and mystical, based around flow.
  • The "Enlightened" or "Society of the Enlightened" are like a high-tech ivory tower, parallel to medieval monasteries. They spread learning and give refuge to people, but they don't try to topple governments or change wars. They will at least go on rescue or spy missions, using non-lethal high-tech weapons like stunners, grapplers, and nets. Some devices will only work using telekinesis. Their aesthetic is more like Mandalorians with armor and weapons - living in high-tech temples similar to the old one on Coruscant.
  • The "Caretakers" or "Caretakers of the Web of Life", who are nature-connected hermits most similar to Yoda in his later life. They are disconnected from politics and society, but will still work to protect life and oppose killing and destruction. They don't use either lightsabers or blasters, but use more the power of nature - including controlling animals as well as forces like wind and lightning. Note that animals can be damn powerful in Star Wars, up through giant worms that live in space - so there is a lot of potential here.


I do know some lore around The Star Wars - The story of Luke Starkiller and the Way of the Whills was in and out, then back in, but changed.

1.  Luke Skywalker was Luke Starkiller. 

2.  There was no Force.  Jedi Knights were just a code of conduct, and Jedi were just known to be a shrinking group of diehards who still behaved this way.  Even the bad guys who used to be knights still followed the code sometimes

3.  Lightsabers were not special.  Everyone had one.   They're just the swords everyone uses.  Stormtroopers have that cylinder on the back of their belt.  That was going to be their lightsaber.  Now it's just decoration and the wrong size. 

4.  Chewbacca was much uglier, and his first look was recycled to become Zeb Orellius from the Rebels cartoon.

5.  Star Destroyers were a class of star fighters. 

6.  The Khyber crystal was singular.  It was when George changed Jedi to have psychic powers.  To become a Jedi you touched the softball sized diamond Khyber Crystal, got wammied, woke up, and had powers.  Being rare and powerful, it was under constant guard. 

I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


STAR WARS trailers...via 1950s AI upgrade

OR this one



Far better, far more creative and far more fun than any of Disney's woketarded crap.