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WoTC Confirms All-in With VTT

Started by RPGPundit, August 07, 2024, 03:08:29 PM

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Quote from: RPGPundit on August 22, 2024, 09:51:18 AMWell, I hope you guys check out my games, if you want something easily identifiable to D&D players but nothing like what WotC does today.

I don't think my group would ever be down for OSR, B/X stuff. They all came into the hobby during 2E or later. I'm the only one old enough to have been playing with BECMI/1E when it was on the local retailers shelves.

Personally I've been tempted to get your Gonzo stuff, it looks fun. I'd never run it, just read it. So, unfortunately the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

If it does, that will be the writing on the wall to just milk the IP and give up on making new D&D product.


For the record, the nail in the coffin for my primary player was that every successful attack from the standard 5E2024 CR 1/4 wolf automatically knocks small and medium characters prone, no save.

Command now only has 5 possible options: Approach, Drop, Flee, Grovel, Halt. Wouldn't want to make it too hard for the poor VTT to adjudicate a TTRPG.


Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

Well, this time hopefully without the murder/suicide...
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 22, 2024, 07:30:57 PM
Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

Well, this time hopefully without the murder/suicide...
The what? Not familiar with that story...


Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 07:40:55 PM
Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 22, 2024, 07:30:57 PM
Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

Well, this time hopefully without the murder/suicide...
The what? Not familiar with that story...

So this guy from work murdered his wife & committed suicide.


Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 07:40:55 PM
Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 22, 2024, 07:30:57 PM
Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

Well, this time hopefully without the murder/suicide...
The what? Not familiar with that story...
There was supposed to be a proto-DNDBeyond that went with 4e, but it didn't get released (at least in its intended form).  One of the lead coders (search Joseph Batten) on the project killed himself and his wife and wiped all of the code something like a month before 4e's launch.
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 22, 2024, 09:00:52 PM
Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 07:40:55 PM
Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 22, 2024, 07:30:57 PM
Quote from: Nobleshield on August 22, 2024, 11:19:26 AMWith luck it'll go the same way as 4e's Digital Initiative.

Well, this time hopefully without the murder/suicide...
The what? Not familiar with that story...
and wiped all of the code something like a month before 4e's launch.

That last part is simply not true.

The day prior to the crime, the cancellation of the Gleemax website had been announced.

The 4E character builder existed for the entire length of the edition and for many years after.


Quote from: M2A0 on August 22, 2024, 09:07:07 PMThat last part is simply not true.

The day prior to the crime, the cancellation of the Gleemax website had been announced.

The 4E character builder existed for the entire length of the edition and for many years after.

Ehhh, I've seen the opposite asserted.  Either way, D&D Insider was not everything WotC wanted or promised.  There's so much obfuscation as to what happened with Gleemax and D&D Insider that I'm not sure anyone will ever know.  But it is pretty clear (regardless of the specific timing of announcements) that Batten's issues (even before the final incident) contributed to the failure of Gleemax as a project (and some of the planned integration for the VTT) and that the tools for 4e were not ready at launch.
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


Yes, this is actually WotC's THIRD attempt at a VTT. They've never had the skill to do it in-house. Maybe this time they do, with a whole bunch of microsoft people and other online-gaming people hired on, but I'd still give it at best a 50/50 shot of not being rejected as trash.
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Quote from: RPGPundit on August 23, 2024, 10:52:55 AMYes, this is actually WotC's THIRD attempt at a VTT. They've never had the skill to do it in-house. Maybe this time they do, with a whole bunch of microsoft people and other online-gaming people hired on, but I'd still give it at best a 50/50 shot of not being rejected as trash.

Everyone forgets Ryan Dancy being in charge of the 3.0 VTT vaporware.

Armchair Gamer

Quote from: M2A0 on August 23, 2024, 01:53:42 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit on August 23, 2024, 10:52:55 AMYes, this is actually WotC's THIRD attempt at a VTT. They've never had the skill to do it in-house. Maybe this time they do, with a whole bunch of microsoft people and other online-gaming people hired on, but I'd still give it at best a 50/50 shot of not being rejected as trash.

Everyone forgets Ryan Dancy being in charge of the 3.0 VTT vaporware.

  Very few people in the industry seem to have Dancey's track record of being able to go from failure to failure without breaking stride. :)


IDK.  My players were messaging me at work about how D&D Beyond was ditching 2014 spell support soon.  Some of them lean heavy on D&D Beyond for our tabletop game.  For context, I've been running a Saltmarsh campaign set in Greyhawk using 5e for coming up on 3 years now.

That said, we all enjoy playing 5e, but nobody's been buying the latest and "greatest" crap WOTC is shelling out of late.  I don't plan on shitcanning a campaign over WOTC's shenanigans, but we HAVE done some side sessions of ICONS and Lion & Dragon.  They've all enjoyed both and hope to continue with those.

As for Pundit, I'm a fan of his games, and the handful of interactions I've had with him online have been nothing but cordial.  I don't believe he's the type to deliberately lie, and while anyone can be mistaken, I think he's spot on with what WOTC has intended for D&D 2024.
- Brigs


Quote from: Brigman on August 24, 2024, 12:25:30 AMIDK.  My players were messaging me at work about how D&D Beyond was ditching 2014 spell support soon.  Some of them lean heavy on D&D Beyond for our tabletop game.  For context, I've been running a Saltmarsh campaign set in Greyhawk using 5e for coming up on 3 years now.

That said, we all enjoy playing 5e, but nobody's been buying the latest and "greatest" crap WOTC is shelling out of late.  I don't plan on shitcanning a campaign over WOTC's shenanigans, but we HAVE done some side sessions of ICONS and Lion & Dragon.  They've all enjoyed both and hope to continue with those.

As for Pundit, I'm a fan of his games, and the handful of interactions I've had with him online have been nothing but cordial.  I don't believe he's the type to deliberately lie, and while anyone can be mistaken, I think he's spot on with what WOTC has intended for D&D 2024.

Well they ARE!
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Yeah, that seems to be confirmed.  STUPID move on their part.  In trying to "force" people to use the 2024 rules, they will drive people away, moreso than they already were...
- Brigs