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The Movie Thread Reloaded

Started by Apparition, January 03, 2018, 11:10:35 PM

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Just saw Streets of Fire. Holy smokes this film gave me whiplash between the good and bad parts. The best parts are likely to make you all warm and fuzzy if you have any nostalgia for the 80s at all. It's full of power ballads and such (being a kind of musical, but the songs are well incorporated in the plot). Great cinematography as well (a bit like Blade Runner). But the acting is really campy (more than your average 80s movie) and sometimes turns into pure cringe. Willem Dafoe is a good villain here (dressed up like 1980s Queensryche) but there's a lack of chemistry between the other actors. So yeah, a bit of a mess but some truly great moments.


Streets of Fire is flawed all right, and it bombed in theaters. But it became a cult classic on cable and home video.

It had a big influence on the classic anime Bubblegum Crisis, particularly on the soundtrack. The theme song Konya wa Hurricane would fit pretty well on Ellen Aim's set list.


Quote from: Lurkndog on August 07, 2024, 09:29:43 AMStreets of Fire is flawed all right, and it bombed in theaters. But it became a cult classic on cable and home video.

It had a big influence on the classic anime Bubblegum Crisis, particularly on the soundtrack. The theme song Konya wa Hurricane would fit pretty well on Ellen Aim's set list.

I wonder if it also influenced Dark City (with Jennifer Connelly as the "songstress").


Hard to say, it's been a long time since I watched my copy of Dark City.


Well took a glance at Batman: Caped Crusader... and wish I had not.

Woke woke and more woke.

Race swap Commsiioner Gordon and Barbra? Check.

Gender swap Penguin? Check.

Lesbians who look like guys? Check.

In apparently the 1950s? Check.

And on and on. Bruce Timm botched this one on all levels.


Quote from: Omega on August 15, 2024, 11:29:18 AMWell took a glance at Batman: Caped Crusader... and wish I had not.

Woke woke and more woke.

Race swap Commsiioner Gordon and Barbra? Check.

Gender swap Penguin? Check.

Lesbians who look like guys? Check.

In apparently the 1950s? Check.

And on and on. Bruce Timm botched this one on all levels.

Jar Jar Abrahams was involved, what did you expect?

Also, IIRC Bruce Timm has a case of TDS.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Alien Romulus... le-sigh...

Starts off ok. But then in maybe the second half of the movie it just gets stupider and stupider.

So apparently now the aliens are quick grow and go to adults practically instantly. W-T-F? Yeah they grew to adult ridiculously fast in the original. Like what? Adult in 24 hours? Now its super fast, And that is just one thing. Scott seems to have this obsession with making the characters as stupid as possible as otherwise the plot can not work or something.

Not sure if this show is Prometheus level stupid, but fuck sake.

Banjo Destructo

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F  was a pretty good movie.


Quote from: Omega on August 18, 2024, 10:48:06 AMAlien Romulus... le-sigh...

Starts off ok. But then in maybe the second half of the movie it just gets stupider and stupider.

So apparently now the aliens are quick grow and go to adults practically instantly. W-T-F? Yeah they grew to adult ridiculously fast in the original. Like what? Adult in 24 hours? Now its super fast, And that is just one thing. Scott seems to have this obsession with making the characters as stupid as possible as otherwise the plot can not work or something.

Not sure if this show is Prometheus level stupid, but fuck sake.
I laughed so hard it hurt. The alien coccoon that looked like a dripping space vagina and the "acid jizz tunnel" scene were hilarious. I also enjoyed that, when you turn the gravity generator off, it has to periodically send out a "gravity purge" and spontaneously reactivate. There's also the autopilot that just turns itself on and off whenever dramatically convenient.

In space, no one can hear you sigh...


Quote from: HappyDaze on August 20, 2024, 05:39:53 PM
Quote from: Omega on August 18, 2024, 10:48:06 AMAlien Romulus... le-sigh...

Starts off ok. But then in maybe the second half of the movie it just gets stupider and stupider.

So apparently now the aliens are quick grow and go to adults practically instantly. W-T-F? Yeah they grew to adult ridiculously fast in the original. Like what? Adult in 24 hours? Now its super fast, And that is just one thing. Scott seems to have this obsession with making the characters as stupid as possible as otherwise the plot can not work or something.

Not sure if this show is Prometheus level stupid, but fuck sake.
I laughed so hard it hurt. The alien coccoon that looked like a dripping space vagina and the "acid jizz tunnel" scene were hilarious. I also enjoyed that, when you turn the gravity generator off, it has to periodically send out a "gravity purge" and spontaneously reactivate. There's also the autopilot that just turns itself on and off whenever dramatically convenient.

In space, no one can hear you sigh...

It really did look like they wanted you to see a dripping vagina didn't it?

And the rapid growth was truly bizarre.
They imitated one of the worst parts of a previous alien movie with that human alien mix (the pregnant lady did it to herself, which made zero sense). And the thing grew from a baby to larger than human in minutes.
What did it eat? Mineral ore?


Quote from: Lurkndog on August 07, 2024, 09:29:43 AMStreets of Fire is flawed all right, and it bombed in theaters. But it became a cult classic on cable and home video.

It had a big influence on the classic anime Bubblegum Crisis, particularly on the soundtrack. The theme song Konya wa Hurricane would fit pretty well on Ellen Aim's set list.

OK, there's some black magic going on with Streets of Fire. Notice I wasn't all that convinced about it as a whole, but I still bought it on Blu-ray a couple of days later :P I guess it got under my skin somehow.


I rewatched "Adventures in Babysitting" 35 years since my family rented it on VHS. I was skeptical, since this was one of those that I thought might not hold up now that I'm a grownup. But I actually chuckled through almost the whole thing. Pretty entertaining to be honest.

PS don't watch this one on Disney+, they have censored and changed things according to movie buffs.


Quote from: Trond on August 24, 2024, 09:24:27 PMPS don't watch this one on Disney+, they have censored and changed things according to movie buffs.

I suspect we will be seeing more and more of that in the coming years.

Also I suspect we will see more old movies defiled with CGI "fixes". BBC seems to be pushing this lately.


Saw The Union with Mark Wahlberg,  my ex waifu Halle Berry (I'm a married potato now, sorry babe) and J.K. Simmons... A fun mix of action/spy/buddy cop/comedy and a Must Watch. I give it 8/10 sidekicks.

Zero wokeness to be seen.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: Trond on August 22, 2024, 08:10:28 PMOK, there's some black magic going on with Streets of Fire. Notice I wasn't all that convinced about it as a whole, but I still bought it on Blu-ray a couple of days later :P I guess it got under my skin somehow.

They do a really nice job of capturing an alt-Americana vibe. Tom Cody is part cowboy, and part rebel without a cause, and maybe part Elvis as well. He's a hero, a fool and a legendary outlaw.

Michael Pare had just come off of Eddie and the Cruisers (1983), where he played a rock star whose disappearance turns him into a legend, and that movie was a cult hit as well, so he was carrying some of that vibe into this movie.

Willem Dafoe as bad guy Raven is also pretty iconic, giving off Marlon Brando vibes and just being a scary mofo for Cody to play off of.

Unfortunately, it's less than the sum of its parts, and a lot of the air goes out of the room when Cody hits Ellen Aim, but still, it has a lot of memorable moments.