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OSR fans, is there a new / modern RPG that you like?

Started by Man at Arms, July 20, 2024, 01:11:25 AM

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You can find my solo Tarot based rules for Amber on my home page.


I've been mostly doing pickup games.  The best RPG for a pickup game is Pocket Fantasy.

It's a rules lite game that is free. 

It uses 1D6 for combat and skill checks, and stats are just hit points and your combat D6 modifier (-2, -1, 0). 

You don't roll up a character.  Essentially each class has a stat they're known for, so you can roll skill checks twice, aka rolling with advantage.

It's a great game that I'll recommend to everyone to at least give it a look.  It's free after all. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: weirdguy564 on July 29, 2024, 11:03:38 PMAnd this just came out. 

True-D6 Printed Edition. 

True-D6 on DT-RPG

This game uses a simple concept of roll equal or under your stat of 1-4.    This also is your damage.  Armor reduces damage. 

Spells and other special moves are skill checks.  Again, roll equal or under a stat to pull it off.  Most restrict the usage after any failed roll, or some to once per day. 

There are also solo play rules included. 

I bought it and also agree it's a pretty nice little package.  Looks decent for solo and group play.  Thinking of using it in a one-shot with my group to see if they feel like using it for a while.

If you go to the publisher's page on Drive-Thru, he has a notepad .txt file of the same rules for a dollar: the whole system in a simple, portable format.  I've been using Sublime to spin though it.  Cool idea: wish more designers would consider it as I have no use for imagery in my rulebooks and other clutter.

<edit sp>


Quote from: rocksfalleverybodydies on August 12, 2024, 11:42:13 PM
Quote from: weirdguy564 on July 29, 2024, 11:03:38 PMAnd this just came out. 

True-D6 Printed Edition. 

True-D6 on DT-RPG

This game uses a simple concept of roll equal or under your stat of 1-4.    This also is your damage.  Armor reduces damage. 

Spells and other special moves are skill checks.  Again, roll equal or under a stat to pull it off.  Most restrict the usage after any failed roll, or some to once per day. 

There are also solo play rules included. 

I bought it and also agree it's a pretty nice little package.  Looks decent for solo and group play.  Thinking of using it in a one-shot with my group to see if they feel like using it for a while.

If you go to the publisher's page on Drive-Thru, he has a notepad .txt file of the same rules for a dollar: the whole system in a simple, portable format.  I've been using Sublime to spin though it.  Cool idea: wish more designers would consider it as I have no use for imagery in my rulebooks and other clutter.

<edit sp>

For one shots, I love Stellagamma's Quantum 2d6 systems. We play tested Barbaric! 2nd Ed to a wonderful TPK. It supported the Conan book style play really well - awesome crits based on weapon type, awesome magic - slow and dangerous on both ends. And quick and simple chargen that still creates unique characters.


The backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
You can find my solo Tarot based rules for Amber on my home page.


Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)

I ran a massive campaign with Sword of Cepheus.  It worked really well at my table.  I think it's a solid choice for a fantasy game.
>Blade Runner RPG
Terrible idea, overwhelming majority of ttrpg players can't pass Voight-Kampff test.
    - Anonymous


Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
Unfortunately it is another RPG that thinks sorcery should turn you into a tentacled monstrosity which isn't really Howardian S&S at all.


Quote from: Skullking on August 14, 2024, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
Unfortunately it is another RPG that thinks sorcery should turn you into a tentacled monstrosity which isn't really Howardian S&S at all.

I can't think of any S&S fiction where that's the case. Maybe the Elric stories? I think people start getting mutated at the end when chaos almost takes over the earth, but it's not the norm. I guess Warhammer Fantasy popularized the trope, but I have no idea why so many games think it's a good idea to include it.


Quote from: ForgottenF on August 14, 2024, 09:20:51 AM
Quote from: Skullking on August 14, 2024, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
Unfortunately it is another RPG that thinks sorcery should turn you into a tentacled monstrosity which isn't really Howardian S&S at all.

I can't think of any S&S fiction where that's the case. Maybe the Elric stories? I think people start getting mutated at the end when chaos almost takes over the earth, but it's not the norm. I guess Warhammer Fantasy popularized the trope, but I have no idea why so many games think it's a good idea to include it.

I think some people just want the wizards to pay for being OP at higher levels. "Ballance", and all that.

I prefer weaker wizards combined with warriors who get a list of customizations and combat techniques that resemble spells.

Aka a wizard gets a spell to confuse an enemy (-3 to hit), while a warrior can pick a head-butt move that can stun an enemy (-3 to hit).

But, if the wizard can nuke an entire castle full of bandits in one spell, that pisses off the "useless" warriors. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: ForgottenF on August 14, 2024, 09:20:51 AM
Quote from: Skullking on August 14, 2024, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
Unfortunately it is another RPG that thinks sorcery should turn you into a tentacled monstrosity which isn't really Howardian S&S at all.

I can't think of any S&S fiction where that's the case. Maybe the Elric stories? I think people start getting mutated at the end when chaos almost takes over the earth, but it's not the norm. I guess Warhammer Fantasy popularized the trope, but I have no idea why so many games think it's a good idea to include it.
Under the current version of WFRP, magic use gives you changes that are consistent with the Wind of Magic that you channel. This means a Jade wizard might have flowers growing out of her hair or a Bright wizard's breath may smell of smoke. Tentacles would be for users of Chaos magics.


Quote from: Skullking on August 14, 2024, 07:11:25 AM
Quote from: zircher on August 13, 2024, 12:54:21 PMThe backer draft for Sword of Cepheus 2nd edition just popped up, so I'll have to give that a read and see where that fits in my to-play queue.  (SoC has 2d6 Traveller style mechanics in a swords and sorcery setting.)
Unfortunately it is another RPG that thinks sorcery should turn you into a tentacled monstrosity which isn't really Howardian S&S at all.
It's not any S&S that I've read.  The only thing close is Sheelba and Ningaugble in Lankhmar and they're more extraplanar/alien beings than traditional wizards.

The idea that magic is "evil" or occult is definitely S&S (within reason; even Conan sometimes allies, albeit temporarily, with sorcerers) but the idea it mutates you seems like some Warhammer nonsense that somehow got accepted as the default as a way to "balance" magic.  DCC RPG had the stupidest version I've seen, where basically every time you cast a spell you roll to see what bad thing might happen, ranging from a mutation to "Someone you know dies".  EVERY TIME YOU CAST A SPELL.  Absolute stupidity.


Quote from: Nobleshield on August 14, 2024, 11:33:45 AMIt's not any S&S that I've read.  The only thing close is Sheelba and Ningaugble in Lankhmar and they're more extraplanar/alien beings than traditional wizards.

I thought of Sheelba and Ningauble as well, but yeah it seems like they're probably just like that. I was trying to remember if there's other cases in the Leiber stuff of wizards getting morphed by their magic. There's a big ice wizard villain whose name escapes me, but I don't think he's human either. I think there are a bunch of wizards described in Lords of Quallmar, but IIRC they're pretty human.

Quote from: Nobleshield on August 14, 2024, 11:33:45 AMDCC RPG had the stupidest version I've seen, where basically every time you cast a spell you roll to see what bad thing might happen, ranging from a mutation to "Someone you know dies".  EVERY TIME YOU CAST A SPELL.  Absolute stupidity.

Yeah I get that people want to make meddling with occult powers risky, but if degrading into sludge is inevitable, I have a hard time buying that people would choose to become wizards. This is one of the few places where I think a sanity system is actually better. Long exposure to the occult separating you from your humanity on a psychological level is more interesting to me.

Steven Mitchell

The Quarmall story does feature some wizards getting changed, one into sludge.  But that's because of magical curses they are casting against each other.

I think "magic corrupts" gets implemented as "wizard gets mutated" because it is an easy way to mechanically enforce not using it very much.  It is a lazy option that doesn't fit most settings, though.  Not the first RPG mechanic to be a mismatch with setting.


Quote from: ForgottenF on August 14, 2024, 01:08:33 PMif degrading into sludge is inevitable, I have a hard time buying that people would choose to become wizards
Perhaps they don't become wizard's (entirely) by choice? Maybe they are the suicide bombers/Russian infantry of the setting instead. Or, if everyone in the setting likely dies fast, young, and terribly, then perhaps at least going out flinging a few spells would be seen as a real option?

Theory of Games

Quote from: Man at Arms on July 20, 2024, 01:11:25 AMTell us what it is, and why you like it.

Also; why do you still like the OSR better?
Mutants & Masterminds is nice. Better than Champions.

At the moment, Barbarians of Lemuria is right there with the RC.

Everywhen killed GURPS.

And I'm gonna finally admit Star Wars 5e slams the original Star Wars the RPG.

TTRPGs are just games. Friends are forever.