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[List] TTRPG Guide to Woke Companies

Started by Ocule, August 03, 2021, 12:26:41 PM

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Quote from: Valatar on July 04, 2024, 10:11:02 PM
Quote from: Omega on July 04, 2024, 03:13:19 PMI do not have access right now to the 2 and 3e books but did not biotech already cost less essence? I had a PC that was a bit of a mix and it feels like the biotech cost less essence but more nuyen.

Bioware tends to cost less essence but be more expensive, and it also tends to have a lesser effect than cyber.  Bioware won't let you punch through a brick wall or hide a shotgun in your arm.  But it's also not likely to be picked up by scanners and doesn't mess with your essence as bad.  So, tradeoffs.
At one time, Bioware didn't cost any Essence. Instead, it built up it's own Bio Index track.


Reposting in the correct thread ;)

Hey there O/ great to see such a list. Already helped me decide some buys (no-buys to be more accurate).

Reaper Minis are deserved on the yellow list i guess. They jumped the rainbow train on this years propaganda month with a "pride color set". Shove it down my throat please, all i need in life is air and kink.


(removed the small Antifa guy to not give publicity)

btw: the images do not show up for me. Is this my end?

Shadowrun is definitely going down the drain with e6 using wokespeak ("they/them") - i did not read any further, so i probably missed the more severe parts. The (unofficial) Shadowrun discord was pride flagged last month, also server rules include

QuoteNo name calling, racial/ethnic/sex/gender/disability slurs...To be overly clear, slurs like "Cuck," "SJW (used negatively)," and purposefully misgendering someone will draw moderator action. It may seem like we are taking sides, and you'd be right. At certain times, there are people who need to feel more safe. Don't like it, don't come around here no more.

There is companies that reject such behavior, others ignore it and then there are those that clap hands in joy...

Jason Coplen

Quote from: SMK on July 05, 2024, 12:18:26 PMReposting in the correct thread ;)

Hey there O/ great to see such a list. Already helped me decide some buys (no-buys to be more accurate).

Reaper Minis are deserved on the yellow list i guess. They jumped the rainbow train on this years propaganda month with a "pride color set". Shove it down my throat please, all i need in life is air and kink.

Also some dude from Brazil for red list, who wrote an RPG. He's got a big Antifa logo on the bottom of his site.

btw: the images do not show up for me. Is this my end?

Shadowrun is definitely going down the drain with e6 using wokespeak ("they/them") - i did not read any further, so i probably missed the more severe parts. The (unofficial) Shadowrun discord was pride flagged last month, also server rules include

QuoteNo name calling, racial/ethnic/sex/gender/disability slurs...To be overly clear, slurs like "Cuck," "SJW (used negatively)," and purposefully misgendering someone will draw moderator action. It may seem like we are taking sides, and you'd be right. At certain times, there are people who need to feel more safe. Don't like it, don't come around here no more.

There is companies that reject such behavior, others ignore it and then there are those that clap hands in joy...

I'm not Occule, but here's my take (for whatever it's not worth):

His list is great, but a lot of small time people will never make it to the list. I believe he's the one who said as much, but I am NOT reading this thread again to be sure. :)

Anyone with an antifa log should be shot....errr, he might be better off not including them. Why advertise for the woketards? I recall reading somewhere that the loonies check the list, too.
Running: HarnMaster and Baptism of Fire


Quote from: Jason Coplen on July 05, 2024, 02:17:17 PMI'm not Occule, but here's my take (for whatever it's not worth):

His list is great, but a lot of small time people will never make it to the list. I believe he's the one who said as much, but I am NOT reading this thread again to be sure. :)

Anyone with an antifa log should be shot....errr, he might be better off not including them. Why advertise for the woketards? I recall reading somewhere that the loonies check the list, too.

He green lists small creators, in part to give them exposure, and in part because there are sadly not enough of them. For the orange/red lists, he avoids giving publicity to small creators, but does list the big ones.
"The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs—I was a man before I was a king."

REH - The Phoenix on the Sword


My approach is that likely there will be a day when "everybody and their dog was anti-woke" like you could not find a single Nazi in mid-1945 Germany. They've been all against it or did not know anything, no one participated or they were forced to. It's not the big ones that keep wokeism (or any) ideology alive, it is all the small ones working in the shadows of the big. Diligent minions. And when the age of wokeism ends, the rats will leave the ship and a lot will still sit in power positions and act unsuspicious. I think its worth to find and document as many of them as possible, so in 10 or 20 years they can be pointed at and canceled into oblivion so they never again have even the smallest amount of influence. A long list of average Joes that are guilty. Imho maybe giving such folks a bit of publicity with the left wing audience now does not out-weight documenting and exposing them later.

That being said, this is just my personal opinion on how i handle things. I was happy to find that list lately and look to contribute. Not here to kick in doors or start an argument over how i think things should be handled. If the plan is to not give small (bad) folks a stage, i am fine with that.

I btw like the fact there is a 'small good folks' list, definitely names on there i never heard and i will have a look at. Not bending to that ideology needs support and should definitely be rewarded.

Cathode Ray

[quote author=Krazz
He green lists small creators, in part to give them exposure, and in part because there are sadly not enough of them. For the orange/red lists, he avoids giving publicity to small creators, but does list the big ones.

As a very small "Green" publisher, I am thankful that he does that.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Quote from: jhkim on July 04, 2024, 06:51:27 PM'm curious how things shifted. I'm really only familiar with 1st edition Shadowrun, though I played a demo of 6th.

1st edition was founded on a literally New Age premise - that a new astrological age brought magic back to the world. It also had prominent Native American spirits and shamans, which is very common to the New Age movement. And Essence is literal magic of the body.

Same. I have 1st ed and one of my players has 2nd and the SR MUD heavily used 2nd ed. Pretty sure Adepts and Instrumentality were not in 1e and are probably 2 or 3e. And checking, yes, Bioware used up less essence but was more expensive.

What I mean by progressively new age is that with each new edition they ramped up the magic and sidelined the tech. By 3rd you could make a PC who could access the net without any implants. Forget where Changelings came in. Think 2e but it fits right in with 3e.


Quote from: Krazz on June 22, 2024, 08:09:51 AMBut the two paragraphs I responded to didn't mention companies, or race, or ancestry, or species. They didn't even mention RPGs. It just insulted people who use 'woke' negatively. Nobody has suggested that you can't defend woke stuff or companies on this site, and this thread would be the perfect place for that. But that's not what you did.

I did nothing of the sort. I merely said "those who use woke as a pejorative don't need to be tricked into doing so." There was no value judgement and no defense, merely a contradiction of a person who claimed that the WotC goal was to "trick people" into revealing themselves as either "reactionary" or whatever the original poster thought was the accusation.

I said that I don't believe that is a realistic take on it. I know where I entered the thread and what I actually said.

Quote from: Krazz on June 22, 2024, 08:09:51 AMThat discussion is on-topic. Calling people reactionaries for discussing the topic of the thread isn't, and I don't want to read threads cluttered with that stuff, which is why I asked you to stop.

Then rest at ease, I never did anything of the sort. Reactionary was never my word and never used by me. As I stated above, my only point was that I doubt anyone needs to be tricked into revealing their thoughts about this matter.  The only appearance of that word was in quotes, to point out what I had disagreed about in the original poster's message. The word contains a value judgement, and I find that using something like that "against someone" is not useful in any discussion, so I wouldn't have used it as an adjective myself.

I'm pretty sure that if I asked you (in-person) what your opinion is on any of these things, you wouldn't think it was a trick, and you'd be comfortable telling me, and that's totally fine by me, even if I disagree with you. I'm also pretty sure that your online history would also reveal your thoughts. So I doubt anyone would need to "Trick you". 

I'm not focusing on you specifically for any reason, it's just that the average person who chats about games online tends to leave a digital footprint and and is comfortable sharing their views.

So, if you want to say that "discussing this side topic" is off-topic for the thread, I imagine you can leave what you said as your final word and I'll use this as my own for this. I am careful when I visit here, as I am a guest and one with an unpopular opinion and I've avoided any sort of ban or admonishment for my participation.


Quote from: SMK on July 05, 2024, 05:59:18 PMMy approach is that likely there will be a day when "everybody and their dog was anti-woke" like you could not find a single Nazi in mid-1945 Germany. They've been all against it or did not know anything, no one participated or they were forced to. It's not the big ones that keep wokeism (or any) ideology alive, it is all the small ones working in the shadows of the big. Diligent minions. And when the age of wokeism ends, the rats will leave the ship and a lot will still sit in power positions and act unsuspicious. I think its worth to find and document as many of them as possible, so in 10 or 20 years they can be pointed at and canceled into oblivion so they never again have even the smallest amount of influence. A long list of average Joes that are guilty. Imho maybe giving such folks a bit of publicity with the left wing audience now does not out-weight documenting and exposing them later.

That being said, this is just my personal opinion on how i handle things. I was happy to find that list lately and look to contribute. Not here to kick in doors or start an argument over how i think things should be handled. If the plan is to not give small (bad) folks a stage, i am fine with that.

I btw like the fact there is a 'small good folks' list, definitely names on there i never heard and i will have a look at. Not bending to that ideology needs support and should definitely be rewarded.

I would keep a special list for people who cheered on the destruction that went on in 2020.


Quote from: hoshisabi on July 05, 2024, 10:00:16 PMI did nothing of the sort. I merely said "those who use woke as a pejorative don't need to be tricked into doing so." There was no value judgement and no defense, merely a contradiction of a person who claimed that the WotC goal was to "trick people" into revealing themselves as either "reactionary" or whatever the original poster thought was the accusation.

My apologies then. I thought you were calling people you didn't agree with names, but I see that I got the wrong end of the stick.
"The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs—I was a man before I was a king."

REH - The Phoenix on the Sword


Quote from: Trond on July 05, 2024, 10:57:57 PM
Quote from: SMK on July 05, 2024, 05:59:18 PMMy approach is that likely there will be a day when "everybody and their dog was anti-woke" like you could not find a single Nazi in mid-1945 Germany. They've been all against it or did not know anything, no one participated or they were forced to. It's not the big ones that keep wokeism (or any) ideology alive, it is all the small ones working in the shadows of the big. Diligent minions. And when the age of wokeism ends, the rats will leave the ship and a lot will still sit in power positions and act unsuspicious. I think its worth to find and document as many of them as possible, so in 10 or 20 years they can be pointed at and canceled into oblivion so they never again have even the smallest amount of influence. A long list of average Joes that are guilty. Imho maybe giving such folks a bit of publicity with the left wing audience now does not out-weight documenting and exposing them later.

That being said, this is just my personal opinion on how i handle things. I was happy to find that list lately and look to contribute. Not here to kick in doors or start an argument over how i think things should be handled. If the plan is to not give small (bad) folks a stage, i am fine with that.

I btw like the fact there is a 'small good folks' list, definitely names on there i never heard and i will have a look at. Not bending to that ideology needs support and should definitely be rewarded.

I would keep a special list for people who cheered on the destruction that went on in 2020.

If everyone has a small private list for small Joes, we are doing well.


Read through the list a bit and checked out some green ones. Also had a look at yellow and found the remark for Goblinoid Games - there is an archive available now for the FB post: https://archive.is/Df0pG
I generally find archive.is working better than .org. It is even capable of circumventing and archiving some paywalled news sites.
Agree this dude is red in the making. "Muh homophobia", "trans", "BLM", "feel safe", a leftist anti-authoritarianism approach of protecting self proclaimed 'minorities', labeling woke brainwashing as "be self reflective"... bloke checks all the marks of a woke clone.


Whatabout Degenesis? I just discovered the game and downloaded the books and it seems like a really interesting game/setting. But I'm not finding much on the devs or the game itself to see if it's made by a bunch of woke cunts.

Cathode Ray

Quote from: Monero on July 11, 2024, 10:22:30 PMWhatabout Degenesis? I just discovered the game and downloaded the books and it seems like a really interesting game/setting. But I'm not finding much on the devs or the game itself to see if it's made by a bunch of woke cunts.

That's the sign that they aren't.  If a company's founders and members personally have awful views, that's one thing.  They're not using their company or their work as a vehicle to push the woke agenda.  But if a company does infuse their woke fascism into their work, or promote such causes publicly, or donate money from their sales toward such causes, that's what the Woke List is for.  Those are things that the public can see.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Speaking as a centrist (or moderate if you prefer) it has been my observation that the woke left are compelled to expose themselves as such; looking for any and every opportunity to bring it up, and integrate their ideology into every facet of their lives.

Whereas the 'alt right' extremists usually only bring it up when relevant and are better capable of separating 'business' from 'pleasure' so to speak.

In other words: for the right, their political ideologies are part of who they are; for the left, it defines who they are. 

Armchair Gamer

Quote from: Nakana on July 12, 2024, 01:09:42 PMIn other words: for the right, their political ideologies are part of who they are; for the left, it defines who they are. 

  I think that's because for the left, politics is far more likely to take the place of religion than to be subordinate or even distinct from it.