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Gunslinger - OSR Western RPG

Started by Thor's Nads, June 25, 2024, 05:53:52 PM

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Thor's Nads

Gunslinger goes to press this week.

I may have made the best OSR western RPG, or just wasted 2 1/2 years of my life. Either way, I'm proud of the work I did. I did my best.

All week I am previewing final Art & Text pages on my blog

Link to full rez Gunslinger Previews

And all of this just so I could have a proper prelude to the Princess of the Red Planet adventure I'm making!

Thor's Nads

Strange Science

One of the features of Gunslinger is Strange Science. To those familiar with Gamma World (or the classic Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) you'll recall how exciting it was to find some weird unknown piece of technology and trying to figure out how it works. Sometimes to great effect, and other times to disaster!

And since Gunslinger doesn't have magic* this is the closest thing to it. As Arthur C. Clarke famously said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." That is certainly true in the Arizona Territory in the 1800's where strange science is involved.

For those fans of the genre, there are a lot of Easter Eggs in here I'm sure you'll appreciate.

Closing in on those last little details to send Gunslinger to press this week.

*There is a "Mythic West" appendix in the back for those who want a little supernatural in their campaign.

Link to full rez image here.

Dan Davenport

Hello! I run the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord chatroom and hold text-based Q&A sessions for game authors there. Would you be interested in coming by to discuss Gunslinger?

Past guests include Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Greg Stafford, Greg Stolze, Marc Miller, Jonathan Tweet, Margaret Weis, Mike Pondsmith, Ken St. Andre, Peter Adkison, James M. Ward, and Mark Rein•Hagen.

This is a free service, although tips are welcome at https://ko-fi.com/gmshoe.

Your Q&A will be promoted on my Facebook feed, at 16 Facebook groups -- 18 if it is a Kickstarter -- and on three major RPG web forums (TheRPGSite, RPGPub, and Enworld). In addition, the log of the Q&A will be maintained on my blog.

Here's the schedule, where you can see upcoming guests: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-schedule

Here's where to book your Q&A: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-booking

(The current standard time slots are 1:00-3:00 pm Central Standard Time Saturday and Sunday and 7:30-9:30 p.m. Central Standard Time every day of the week except where otherwise noted.)

Here's the shortcut to the chatroom:

Here's my blog, where I save the Q&A logs: http://gmshoe.wordpress.com/

And here's the Q&A format: https://gmshoe.wordpress.com/qa-format/

I should also mention that game authors are always welcome to hang out with us and discuss their products, and we have quite a few authors who do so on a regular basis. A Q&A simply gives you the floor to yourself. Stop by and check us out! :)
The Hardboiled GMshoe\'s Office: game reviews, Randomworlds Q&A logs, and more!

Randomworlds TTRPG chat: friendly politics-free roleplaying chat!

Thor's Nads

Gunslinger Preview Week - Final Art!

Gunslinger goes to press today.

Here are some of the full page illustrations, which will give you an idea of some of the great adventures you can have in the game. Exploring, heists, looting giant wasp nests for eggs to sell to the Smithsonian...

This is the final day for pre-orders.

Click this link here for high rez images of the art!



Warriors of the Red Planet is great. Some of the other stuff, not so much. I hope it's more like Warriors of the Red Planet.

Thor's Nads

Quote from: JeremyR on June 29, 2024, 02:06:04 AMWarriors of the Red Planet is great. Some of the other stuff, not so much. I hope it's more like Warriors of the Red Planet.

It is a western companion to Warriors of the Red Planet, though you may not like some of the 2e/3e/5e bits and pieces I added.

I'm not sure what other stuff you are referring to, Guardians and Raiders are well received. My adventure modules do suck though, I'm working on improving that.


Quote from: Thor's Nads on June 28, 2024, 06:37:36 PMGunslinger Preview Week - Final Art!

Gunslinger goes to press today.

Here are some of the full page illustrations, which will give you an idea of some of the great adventures you can have in the game. Exploring, heists, looting giant wasp nests for eggs to sell to the Smithsonian...

This is the final day for pre-orders.

Click this link here for high rez images of the art!

Now THIS is what good RPG art should look like!  Not that horrible twee shit desecrating the latest edition of D&D.

Thor's Nads

Gunslinger went off to press! Which means pre-orders are closed.

However, if you are still interested in the game, you can order the PDF from DriveThru here, and after all the Kickstarter backers get their print copies then POD will be made available on DriveThru as well.


Thor's Nads

Quote from: Dan Davenport on June 27, 2024, 08:32:53 PMHello! I run the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord chatroom and hold text-based Q&A sessions for game authors there. Would you be interested in coming by to discuss Gunslinger?

I think I did it the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord chat back when the Kickstarter was live.