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Steamforged Games buys Iron Kingdoms and Warmahordes from Privateer Press.

Started by Ratman_tf, June 03, 2024, 06:12:16 PM

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I don't know what to make of this.
I was into Warmahordes during 2nd edition. Fell out due to our group attendance waning.
I loved the game. I still have my Khador and Everblight armies packed away.

Is Steamforged going to absorb Privateer Press? What does Privateer Press have besides the Warmachine IPs? Is Privateer Press going to dissolve?

The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


That's really interesting. I don't know anything about Steamforged Games, but seeing that they are UK-based I don't get a particularly good feeling about this.

The statement on Privateer Press basically explains that PP is working with Steamforged on Warmachine+Hordes content.

Privateer does have other games like Monsterpocalypse. However, my guess would be that there's a gradual takeover in process.

Darrin Kelley

That would explain some of the moves Privateer Press has been making lately. And why there hasn't been a new Kickstarter for Iron Kingdoms Requiem.

Financial troubles also explain why they basically deleted the whole Warmachine miniatures line and started completely over.


Quote from: Ratman_tf on June 03, 2024, 06:12:16 PMIs Steamforged going to absorb Privateer Press? What does Privateer Press have besides the Warmachine IPs? Is Privateer Press going to dissolve?

Privateer had/had the Monsterpocalypse line still probably.

But with how they completely botched the original and then even better botched the reboot... its not faring so well.

MonPoc was chugging along and then the company goes practically dead silent. Popular rumor was they made a movie deal and that somehow prevented them making MonPoc. Which is patently stupid. Studios want the IP out there otherwise why make a movie about a dead game?

Then a few years ago they revealed the new Monsterpocalypse... With the models now twice as big. In parts, and unpainted. It was now a "Hobby Game!" according to Privateer.

So was near totally incompatible with the original. The new minis would not fit on the old boards and the old minis look silly against the new.

This on top of some really atrocious customer service did PP no favors.


Quote from: Zelen on June 04, 2024, 12:16:20 AMThat's really interesting. I don't know anything about Steamforged Games, but seeing that they are UK-based I don't get a particularly good feeling about this.

The statement on Privateer Press basically explains that PP is working with Steamforged on Warmachine+Hordes content.

Privateer does have other games like Monsterpocalypse. However, my guess would be that there's a gradual takeover in process.

My understanding was the last Monsterpocalypse Kickstarter funded, and then Mythic spent the money on a different Kickstarter. Really soured a lot of fans on the whole Monsterpocalypse franchise. Someone posted on the Kickstarter that the PP forums are closing and Monsterpocalypse info will be archived on the PP site, with "big news" coming soon about Monsterpocalypse in another week or so.
