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Public Consultation: Racism/Genocide/Nox

Started by RPGPundit, April 12, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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Quote from: James McMurraySo, since Nox is a font of shit, anyone that posts in the OT forum likes to wallow in it? And people are enthusiastic about this particular brand of bigotry?
I like you James, but I take exception to the term "bigotry" here.

I do agree though that it's an unfair generalization. My signature is probably a better way of expressing my thoughts on this matter. I think something like that could go at the top of the forum and/or the subheader below the forum name, in the main page. If the metaphor is too crude then the function of OT could be spelled out: it's a place for people to discuss OT subjects, not because we want to encourage OT discussion, but because we want to keep it out of the other, named, fora.

The point is, this is an RPG forum. I agree there have been interesting discussions in OT but they're outside the function of this site. I think to further emphasize this point, OT should be taken out of the "New Posts" search. The idea of removing it from view of non-registered users is also an attractive one. I'd rather not have people coming here and signing up just to argue with something someone said on OT.

Dr Rotwang!

Y'know what I wish the "Off-Topic" forum was?  I wish the "Off-Topic" forum was where we talked about nerd stuff that's not politics and crap: movies and comics and stupid funny things that happened to you that day.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.


Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Y'know what I wish the "Off-Topic" forum was?  I wish the "Off-Topic" forum was where we talked about nerd stuff that's not politics and crap: movies and comics and stupid funny things that happened to you that day.
I'm with you on that. Politics should be left at the door on a site like this.
Brett Bernstein
Precis Intermedia


Well, that's pretty much what I proposed at one point upthread (i.e., having forums for movies and stuff), but I think there's some merit to having a place that can take the overflow of completely off-topic stuff. Again, not because that stuff is encouraged, but so that it doesn't take up discussion space in the main fora.

It basically depends on whether you believe the "escape valve" theory can be made to work.


Quote from: WerekoalaIts been obvious to anyone paying attention that he's some kind of Frankenstein's Monster of Hate, because he's about as rabid in his hatred for Conservatives and Christians as he is of Liberals and Muslims. He's not a moving target, per se - he just seems so because he's got such a huge bile gland that he's everywhere at once. I think he might just be a true misanthrope, which I am sometimes myself - he's just making a career of it.

I've come to the conclusion that the Unabomber has internet access now. ;)
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)


Some random thoughts...

1) Suppose OT posts are no longer allowed in this website. Does that mean Pundit will stop making OT threads in his own forum?

2) I have Nox in my Ignore List, and make an effort to ignore his threads (even the RPG ones). It seems to work for me.

3) That being said, I can see JimBob's point. Paedophilia is verbotten, but genocide isn't? Both are utterly repulsive and universally rejected in our world.

I also take issue with people saying that advocating genocide is less of an offense than advocating paedophilia, because the latter probably involves actual practice and the former is just "theoretical". Wouldn't you say that people who advocate genocide are probably involved in hate crimes?

4) Can't we just put a "Please Don't Feed The Trolls" sticky in the OT forum?

5) Haven't voted yet. None of the options appeal to me.
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)

Pierce Inverarity

Quote from: pigames.netI'm with you on that. Politics should be left at the door on a site like this.

Yes, make the Off-Topic Forum an Other Media/Games Forum.

Where does it say a site must cater to any and all topics? I'm not interested in talking politics and religion here, or in having the resentment generated by other people's discussions of politics and religion seep into their discussions about games.

Jong, yes, your point 1) is a problem. AFAIAC, Pundy should simply keep his off-topic rants to his blog.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


Quote from: The Good AssyrianI disagree, Brett.  Until this blowup OT seemed to be fulfilling its intended function.

For "blowup" substitute "JimBobOz stirring up shit."


I, personally, don't give a shit.  I can ignore stupid no matter what form it takes or what forum it appears on.

I think if you want to attract more smart folk to the site a certain base level of moderation - say, no "lets kill Race/Ethnicity X" remarks and a few other things inherent to basic human decency - could be useful.  That's up to you though.  Why folk feel such a strong desire to protect really stupid, offensive, and utterly useless speech like the things Nox says stuns me.  Especially since the site's goal is supposedly about RPGs - who the fuck needs to advocate murdering people in real life to talk about RPGs?
My LiveJournal - What I'm reviewing and occasional thoughts on the industry from a reviewer's perspective.


See, for some of us, there are more people than Noxious that advocate murdering people in real life--and not just tacitly. Personally, I'd put all current advocates of the Iraq war into that category, but that's me.
The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four

David R

Quote from: hgjsFor "blowup" substitute "JimBobOz stirring up shit."

No, this is bullshit. JimBob didn't stir up anyting. If anyone was stirring things up, it was me in the "What Will England Do" thread. Also, just because someone starts a topic which is contentious, but that is good for this site (maybe) does not mean he/she is stirring up shit.

The fact is if I found Nox's speech disagreeable I would just not respond. But his speech is repulsive and I feel if I don't comment than it would just feed the perception that I'm okay with it and that this site is okay with it too. Then we go about talking normally about RPGs with Nox while all the while in OT he is spewing racist shit. Like I said we tolerate lawncrappers here.

We are establishing a good tradition of posters "calling out" folks on their bullshit. Christmas Ape called me out on the other thread. He was right. Jimbob clarified what I was trying to say, as did droog earlier on in the thread, but I did paint with some pretty broad strokes.

I should apologize to James Sachs and Zalmoxis. I made a really dumb comparison of the former with Nox and with Zalmoxis, well lets just say that I speak to the guy online a lot, and in no way does he share Nox's views.

You see when JimBob post he makes it clear where he's coming from. With me, I kind of lash out doing much collateral damage and little actual damage to the target of my ire.

David R

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: hgjsFor "blowup" substitute "JimBobOz stirring up shit."
Interesting. So the person with the vile opinion isn't stirring shit, the person who calls him on it is stirring up shit.

Bob: "Jim, you're an ugly cunt and your mother is a bitch."
Jim: "Don't talk shit like that. Joe, Bob shouldn't talk like that, right?"
Joe: "Don't stir shit, Jim."

Fuck you, hgjs.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver

Pierce Inverarity

I think this is a good moment to remind people that JimBob used to be one of the Noxes of rpg.net Tangency.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: David RAlso, just because someone starts a topic which is contentious, but that is good for this site (maybe) does not mean he/she is stirring up shit.

I agree.


Kyle Aaron

Quote from: Pierce InverarityI think this is a good moment to remind people that JimBob used to be one of the Noxes of rpg.net Tangency.
Advocated genocide? Was sexist, racist and homophobic?

Yeah, right.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver