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Public Consultation: Racism/Genocide/Nox

Started by RPGPundit, April 12, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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Quote from: Elliot WilenPerhaps it'd be best to post--either in my signature, or to have the admins post in the OT forum--the sentiment that the OT forum is the septic tank of theRPGsite; people are welcome to put their crap there, just don't drag any of it into the main fora or out you go.

I like this proposal.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: Elliot WilenOkay, I think I like my solution, if I say so myself. Simply put: let's create a culture of disapproval of posting in OT. You're free to post OT stuff in OT, but if you spend much time there, people will know you like to wallow in shit.

You are a wise man, Elliot.  I agree 100%.

Edit:  I was considering suggesting changing the name of OT to "The Septic Tank (Off Topic)", but as emotionally satisfying as that is it might actually attract more attention to it from new users, which is *exactly* what we don't want to do.  

I have also pondered suggesting making it the only "members only" forum so that you can only see the shit in there after you've joined and presumably looked at the high quality discussion in the gaming forums.  Probably more trouble than it is worth.


James McMurray

So, since Nox is a font of shit, anyone that posts in the OT forum likes to wallow in it? And people are enthusiastic about this particular brand of bigotry?

There have been tons of excellent discussions in the Ot forum, some of them spawned by an idiotic comment Nox made, but most of them proceeding despite his insanity.

I can agree with the "don't drag your feuds into other portions of the board" part of the idea, but labelling everyone because of the antics of the few is the reason why a lot people that have heard of this place think "isn't that Pundit/Nisarg's new pissing grounds?" rather than "isn't that the place where lots of people have really cool discussions in a less moderated environment?"

Make posting utter BS socially unacceptable, not posting in the vicinity of utter BS.


Quote from: The Good AssyrianI have also pondered suggesting making it the only "members only" forum so that you can only see the shit in there after you've joined and presumably looked at the high quality discussion in the gaming forums.  Probably more trouble than it is worth.

As a tech admin I can speak to that last point: it would be trivial to do that.  I could have it switched in 45 seconds if RPGPundit asked me to.

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: James McMurraySo, since Nox is a font of shit, anyone that posts in the OT forum likes to wallow in it? And people are enthusiastic about this particular brand of bigotry?

There have been tons of excellent discussions in the Ot forum, some of them spawned by an idiotic comment Nox made, but most of them proceeding despite his insanity.

I can agree with the "don't drag your feuds into other portions of the board" part of the idea, but labelling everyone because of the antics of the few is the reason why a lot people that have heard of this place think "isn't that Pundit/Nisarg's new pissing grounds?" rather than "isn't that the place where lots of people have really cool discussions in a less moderated environment?"

Make posting utter BS socially unacceptable, not posting in the vicinity of utter BS.

I have mixed feelings about this, James.  I don't think that by posting in OT you personally are sullied by the taint of Nox, but this is an RPG discussion board, not a political discussion board.  My fear is that we will see a eventual slide into a Tangency-like forum where there are people who post primarily (or entirely) in OT.  I don't think that would be a good development.  Hence, I do not think that we should particularly encourage OT.



Personally, I would like to see an end to the OT forum. This is a site about RPGs.
Brett Bernstein
Precis Intermedia


Quote from: pigames.netPersonally, I would like to see an end to the OT forum. This is a site about RPGs.

I agree with your opinion in principle, but I don't think that the Off Topic forum should be removed:

Quote from: hgjs[The purpose of the Off Topic forum] is to give people a place to talk about issues unrelated to the main purpose of the site, to stop irrelevant discussions from flooding the rest of the board. If Domnius Nox is insulting Muslims in Off Topic but not on the boards that matter, then in my opinion Off Topic is serving its purpose well.


Irrelevant discussions are just that -- irrelevant. They can be taken private or off-board. On the other hand, if there is an OT forum, it should be moderated differently from the RPG forums—heavy-handedly to bypass problems.
Brett Bernstein
Precis Intermedia

James McMurray

Quote from: The Good AssyrianI have mixed feelings about this, James.  I don't think that by posting in OT you personally are sullied by the taint of Nox, but this is an RPG discussion board, not a political discussion board.  My fear is that we will see a eventual slide into a Tangency-like forum where there are people who post primarily (or entirely) in OT.  I don't think that would be a good development.  Hence, I do not think that we should particularly encourage OT.


There's quite a bit of difference between not actively encouraging something and insulting everyone that does it. To use a topically appropriate metaphor, it's the difference between not telling people they should pray to Allah and telling people that anyone who prays to Allah regularly likes to wallow in shit.

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: James McMurrayThere's quite a bit of difference between not actively encouraging something and insulting everyone that does it. To use a topically appropriate metaphor, it's the difference between not telling people they should pray to Allah and telling people that anyone who prays to Allah regularly likes to wallow in shit.

Point taken.  I apologize for painting with such a wide brush.  

But it still doesn't satisfactorily deal with the potential problem that the emotionally-charged discussions that are bound to happen in OT *will* lead to people calling for moderator policing and "emotional safety".  It is already happening.


James McMurray

Screw 'em. This site isn't about holding your hand and making the bad man stop. If someone's crap flows into the main RPG forums, it should be dealt with. If it doesn't, who cares?

Emotionally charged discussions can and will happen in the RPG forums and Pundit's area. They're more likely in Ot than elsewhere because OT encompasses politics and religion, but if we start to police them in one spot it's the first step on a road towards policing them everywhere.

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: pigames.netIrrelevant discussions are just that -- irrelevant. They can be taken private or off-board. On the other hand, if there is an OT forum, it should be moderated differently from the RPG forums—heavy-handedly to bypass problems.

I disagree, Brett.  Until this blowup OT seemed to be fulfilling its intended function.  That is a place far removed from the forums that are critical to its mission, but moderated (or not) in the same principles, and it kept the shit that is in dispute out of the gaming forums.  It is a safety valve.

I still think that it may be a good idea to make it members only, but I also think that it is a necessary evil.  And those who post there need to know that they should stay out if they don't want to see the bullshit that is going to come up.


James McMurray

Quote from: pigames.netIrrelevant discussions are just that -- irrelevant. They can be taken private or off-board. On the other hand, if there is an OT forum, it should be moderated differently from the RPG forums—heavy-handedly to bypass problems.

I disagree that the moderation should be different. Either you can call someone a putz on this site or you can't.

It also makes it more likely that OT disputes will spill over into the unmoderated RPG discussions because the release valve of calling a genocidal / racist / bigot / child molester / whatever isn't allowed in the thread they're using to proclaim their love for genocidal, racist, bigoted pedophelia.

Finally, it's horrible for drawing in new members. For people that don't know who is who, seeing (for example) jrients tell Nox he's not allowed to insult Koltar in an OT thread, then minutes later reading me insulting Nox with no repercussions in an RPG thread will give the impression that there is either favoritism or whimsy behind who gets to say what to whom.


Quote from: pigames.netOn the other hand, if there is an OT forum, it should be moderated differently from the RPG forums—heavy-handedly to bypass problems.

Screw that.  There are other sites that operate that way.

Dr Rotwang!

Quote from: AosHow many pages have been spent on this shit? How many threads?
We should have a "Dominus Nox" sub forum, it'd get more traffick thant the pundit's private forum.
Just ban the guy or stop jerking off over it. Civilization is likely to survive either way.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.