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Public Consultation: Racism/Genocide/Nox

Started by RPGPundit, April 12, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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The Good Assyrian

Quote from: James McMurray...but nerf foam sounds kinda fun.

That's how they sucker you in... :D



How many pages have been spent on this shit? How many threads?
We should have a "Dominus Nox" sub forum, it'd get more traffick thant the pundit's private forum.
Just ban the guy or stop jerking off over it. Civilization is likely to survive either way.
You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic


Quote from: JimBobOzBut speaking in favour of adult-child sexual relations does constitute disruption?

If we censor and threaten to ban mythusmage for his comments, then we should censor and threaten to ban Dominus Nox for his; if we don't censor and threaten to ban Dominus Nox, we shouldn't censor and threaten to ban mythusmage. I don't think you can seriously argue that paedophilia is worse than genocide.

I sure as hell will argue that pedophilia is worse than genocide!  When a lone nutjob talks in favor of genocide we know it is a purely theoretical matter.  When some endorses sex with kids we don't have the luxury of that distance.  I don't know about you, but I don't relish the idea of talking to the nice fellas in the FBI because I'm admin on a forum that permits discussion of pedophilia.

QuoteAs I did for some time on rpg.net, I ask for consistency in moderation.

A worthy goal which the admins will not always be able to achieve.  More importantly, I don't see an inconsistency here.  See above for my reasons.

QuoteIf the guy were a member of my roleplaying club, I'd sure as shit try to get him kicked out. It doesn't help a club's reputation and recruitment to have that kind of person in it.

Would you be kicking him out for his reprehensible opinions or his reprehensible acts?
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


When a guy gets asked not to do something by an administrator, then goes ahead and does it anyway, should any kind of consultation really be necessary?

To bring MM back into the equation, he was asked not to discuss adult/child love and thus far he hasn't.  Likewise Koltar was asked to put Nox on ignore and stop baiting him.  which he did.

Nox was asked to stop derailing threads with personal attacks, which he hasn't.  Don't bother using race/genocide etc as a reason to smite the guy.  Ban him 'cause he refused to follow a simple request for the good of the board.


I disagree, Stumpydave. Although I don't have much time for the Noxster, I don't see him being disruptive in the RPG fora other than an occasional swipe at certain game companies and BBS's.

Really, the bulk of the problem is in the Off-Topic forum, and that only affects people who either

a) Browse the OT forum--in which case they get what they deserve, this is an RPG site, not a general discussion site--or
b) Use the "New Posts" link.

About (a) I'd be perfectly happy if OT was subdivided into chat topics such as "visual media", "books", and other areas that might be of special interest to RPG fans but which sustain discussion that isn't directly related to RPG play. And then simply leave out politics and religion, without having a catchall topic where they can creep back in.

About (b), it'd be great if the "New Posts" button were fixed so it excluded the Off-Topic area from the search. (While they're at it, whoever does the fix could put the Article Commments threads into the search.)

James McMurray

Quote from: Elliot WilenAbout (a) I'd be perfectly happy if OT was subdivided into chat topics such as "visual media", "books", and other areas that might be of special interest to RPG fans but which sustain discussion that isn't directly related to RPG play. And then simply leave out politics and religion, without having a catchall topic where they can creep back in.

I only see a couple problems with this.

First, if you subdivide the OT section you enhance it's importance to the site by giving it a deceptively larger presence and encouraging more posts. People that normally wouldn't think to comment here on the latest American Idol episode might see a TV, Film, and Video subsection and go for it. I don't think that would be a real problem, but don't want to give JimBob a heart attack by forcing him to over-extend himself on too many "keep theRPGsite about RPGs" tirades. :)

Second, trying to ban politics and religion will end up with a whole bunch of posts about politics and religion that end in "but going any farther would be discussing politics and religion, so I'll stop here." It's a convenient out for someone wanting to express their political grievances without worrying about responders because they can then point the "you're trying to start a politics debate" finger at the guy trying to say that not all democrats eat babies.


Quote from: StumpydaveWhen a guy gets asked not to do something by an administrator, then goes ahead and does it anyway, should any kind of consultation really be necessary?

To bring MM back into the equation, he was asked not to discuss adult/child love and thus far he hasn't.  Likewise Koltar was asked to put Nox on ignore and stop baiting him.  which he did.

Nox was asked to stop derailing threads with personal attacks, which he hasn't.  Don't bother using race/genocide etc as a reason to smite the guy.  Ban him 'cause he refused to follow a simple request for the good of the board.

Like RPGPundit said to you in the other thread,

Quote from: RPGPunditDave, please point out to me recent occasions (as in, the last month or so) where he's done the above, after I had specifically warned him about it, in particular regarding Koltar, who was one of the specific people I'd warned him to stop shitting on in that way.

If you can show me that he's been threadcrapping RPG threads with off-topic personal attacks, then you're onto something. I hadn't seen any lately, but then I'm on vacation, and reading far fewer threads than what I usually do.



In fairness to Stumpydave, he did provide some links on the other thread.  I am of the opinion that the remarks cited do not rise to the level of a violation, but that's Pundit's call, not mine.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: StumpydaveNox was asked to stop derailing threads with personal attacks, which he hasn't.  Don't bother using race/genocide etc as a reason to smite the guy.  Ban him 'cause he refused to follow a simple request for the good of the board.

One problem that I have with where this is all going is that we are all taking a lot of time and energy micro-analyzing every move of this insignificant jackass when we could be talking about games.

Look, I personally found Nox's most unacceptable behavior was his random attacking of people that I was interested in talking to.  I made a concerted effort to ridicule his stupid ass every time I saw him do it.  In that respect he seems to have learned a lesson and has stopped egregious thread crapping.  The fact that he tosses off an offhand insult every once and a while is annoying, but I feel comfortable that we can handle him again if he gets out of hand.


James McMurray

If we kick Nox out of the club, which of us assholes will be next on the chopping block?


Quote from: James McMurrayIf we kick Nox out of the club, which of us assholes will be next on the chopping block?

That would be you.  The Pundit gave me this handy list.  ;)
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsThat would be you.  The Pundit gave me this handy list.  ;)
Brett Bernstein
Precis Intermedia

James McMurray

Well, I kinda figured that I'd be next. Hence the question. Which one of you assholes falls after me? ;)

If it heads that way, should we start our own forum where we can bitch about getting banned from a forum populated by a bunch of people that were banned by a third forum and have since spent too much time bitching about it?


Quote from: James McMurrayI only see a couple problems with this.
Yes, those are both good points.

To be honest I'm thinking of just putting a disclaimer about DN into my signature or something. I'm persuaded by David R's post in the other thread, that simply ignoring Nox may cause Nox and others to construe silence as tolerance or even tacit agreement with his views.

But on the other hand, I'm concerned that if others do this, it'll become a precedent for infantile posting of IL lists in one's signature and the like.

To be honest I feel it's a bit selfish of me to just IL him and depend on others to respond to the nonsense and pick out the useful stuff he occasionally says, but I just don't have time to deal with all the morons out there, especially in a manner that doesn't appear to give comfort to some other moron.

Perhaps it'd be best to post--either in my signature, or to have the admins post in the OT forum--the sentiment that the OT forum is the septic tank of theRPGsite; people are welcome to put their crap there, just don't drag any of it into the main fora or out you go.


Okay, I think I like my solution, if I say so myself. Simply put: let's create a culture of disapproval of posting in OT. You're free to post OT stuff in OT, but if you spend much time there, people will know you like to wallow in shit.