Malicious code was found on the site, which has been removed, but would have been able to access files and the database, revealing email addresses, posts, and encoded passwords (which would need to be decoded). However, there is no direct evidence that any such activity occurred. REGARDLESS, BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. And as is good practice, remember to never use the same password on more than one site. While performing housekeeping, we also decided to upgrade the forums.
This is a site for discussing roleplaying games. Have fun doing so, but there is one major rule: do not discuss political issues that aren't directly and uniquely related to the subject of the thread and about gaming. While this site is dedicated to free speech, the following will not be tolerated: devolving a thread into unrelated political discussion, sockpuppeting (using multiple and/or bogus accounts), disrupting topics without contributing to them, and posting images that could get someone fired in the workplace (an external link is OK, but clearly mark it as Not Safe For Work, or NSFW). If you receive a warning, please take it seriously and either move on to another topic or steer the discussion back to its original RPG-related theme.

Public Consultation: Racism/Genocide/Nox

Started by RPGPundit, April 12, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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I disagree vehemently with Nox's views on race and religion.  I try to challenge them when they arise and have told him to fuck off on ocassion.

However, Nox also makes many interesting and valuable posts in the rpg forum.

So, I loathe the racism but generally enjoy his often thoughtful rpg posts.  Odd, but people often are.

But, I think the constant calls to ban him are a form of bullying.  Ignore list him, argue with him, only talk to him about rpgs, whatever, just lets can the public baiting.


Quote from: BalbinusI disagree vehemently with Nox's views on race and religion.  I try to challenge them when they arise and have told him to fuck off on ocassion.

However, Nox also makes many interesting and valuable posts in the rpg forum.

So, I loathe the racism but generally enjoy his often thoughtful rpg posts.  Odd, but people often are.

But, I think the constant calls to ban him are a form of bullying.  Ignore list him, argue with him, only talk to him about rpgs, whatever, just lets can the public baiting.

Agreed. I'll talk rpgs with Nox any day, but I stay away from his other interests. I totally and completely disagree with his other stances.

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
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Quote from: CessnaThis all sounds familiar.

In fact, this is EXACTLY how rpg.net moderation started in 2001/2002.  EXACTLY.  I can dig up the threads and link to them if you like.

Be careful here.  If you aren't, six years from now you'll find yourself being called "fascist" by a  group of disaffected users for trying to keep a message board from being turned into a craphole, so that other people have a nice place to talk about games - only to end up with a place so bland and inane you yourself hate it.

But that would never happen here, right?

This is a very good warning.
Grając zaś w grę komputerową, być może zdarzyło się wam zapragnąć zejść z wyznaczonej przez autorów ścieżki i, miast zabić smoka i ożenić się z księżniczką, zabić księżniczkę i ożenić się ze smokiem.

Nihil sine magno labore vita dedit mortalibus.

And by your sword shall you live and serve thy brother, and it shall come to pass when you have dominion, you will break Jacob's yoke from your neck.

Dios, que buen vasallo, si tuviese buen señor!


Quote from: BalbinusI disagree vehemently with Nox's views on race and religion.  I try to challenge them when they arise and have told him to fuck off on ocassion.

However, Nox also makes many interesting and valuable posts in the rpg forum.

So, I loathe the racism but generally enjoy his often thoughtful rpg posts.  Odd, but people often are.

But, I think the constant calls to ban him are a form of bullying.  Ignore list him, argue with him, only talk to him about rpgs, whatever, just lets can the public baiting.

Dominus Nox's opinions don't offend me (they're too loony to be taken seriously), but if they did offend me, I would ask the forum rules to be changed (and thus applicable to everybody), or I'd quit (because of my inability to cope with the philosophy of the forum). But banning somebody just because "we don't like him"... that would be petty.
Grając zaś w grę komputerową, być może zdarzyło się wam zapragnąć zejść z wyznaczonej przez autorów ścieżki i, miast zabić smoka i ożenić się z księżniczką, zabić księżniczkę i ożenić się ze smokiem.

Nihil sine magno labore vita dedit mortalibus.

And by your sword shall you live and serve thy brother, and it shall come to pass when you have dominion, you will break Jacob's yoke from your neck.

Dios, que buen vasallo, si tuviese buen señor!

Dr Rotwang!

Okay.  Here's an idea, but that's all that it is.  I'm not married to it, just something I thought of, and in the shower, no less.

Ban Nox, and set that as the benchmark.

Ban him, and make him an example -- "This site is very tolerant, but tolerance has its limits.  We put up with a lot of stuff here but eventually we must put down our collective foot.  This guy was so disruptive, so rude, so disrespectful and so unwilling to be civil that he had to go.  New member, welcome to our site; we speak our minds but behavior such as this will not be tolerated."

This does not lead to any kind of "slippery slope"; it defines, by proving the rules, just how lenient we can be.  How many warnings has Nox had?  How many times has he flaunted them?  How many requests unheeded?  How much disrespect given?  

Worse, how much time and energy wasted on this fucker?

Alternately, we can all just ignore him.  Ignore the fuck out of him.  A non-person, not even here.  Cut him off.  No satisfaction.

I like democracy.  I see democracy as a means to achieve change and determine a course of action.  Discussion past a certain point is bickering, and less than useful.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.

Pierce Inverarity

That's the thing, though, Doc...

The election season is nearly upon us. Once it's in full swing, at some point some idiot will come out and say something to the effect of "I wouldn't mind if [presidential candidate] were shot tomorrow."

By that time, OT will have been nicely fragmented along party lines. And party 1 will demand banning the poster, who belongs to party 2, citing Nox's banning as precedent.

[broken record]Dump OT, Pundy! (Or turn it into Other Media.)[/broken record]
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini

One Horse Town

Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Alternately, we can all just ignore him.  Ignore the fuck out of him.  A non-person, not even here.  Cut him off.  No satisfaction.

Which is what i've been advocating since the start of the thread. All this attention is worthless, as is the target of that attention. Stop the attention.

Dr Rotwang!

Quote from: One Horse TownWhich is what i've been advocating since the start of the thread. All this attention is worthless, as is the target of that attention. Stop the attention.
Man, the only reason I'm even posting about this is because I feel some foolish sense of belonging and responsibility as a member of this site.  I get by without reading the dude's posts, and I'm OK.

Well.  OK-ish.  I mean, I do like Xanadu.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.


Quote from: Pierce InverarityBy that time, OT will have been nicely fragmented along party lines. And party 1 will demand banning the poster, who belongs to party 2, citing Nox's banning as precedent.

Were this site solely a US phenomenon you might have a case.  However as a large chunk of us probably only care insomuch as how the foreign policy stands to affect us and we don't get a vote anyways I don't see many people giving a monkeys (no offense Christmas ape:) ).

However as the venerable Dr R has pointed out.  Nox has had a metric tonne of warnings and the like.  If someone really wishes to point to his banning as precedent then said potential bannee has to be a seriously fucked up individual.

For example. Anyone who likes Xanadu.


Here's a novel idea:

Moderate the shit out of Off-Topic.  I mean, Stalin-esque tactics.  Balls-to-the-wall, ladies and gentlemen.  Mod whim, people's vote.  Whatever the fuck.  If the monkeys can't police themselves, then let the purges begin.

Leave the RPG fora alone.

And no, I'm not married to the idea.  I'm just chucking it out into the thoughtspace.  Because I don't care about the Off Topic forum too damn much, but it's obvious that people can't fucking ignore one GODDAMN POSTER WITHOUT WHINING AND BITCHING ABOUT IT UMPTEEN BILLION FUCKING THREADS FUCK!

Ahem.  Sorry, dunno where that came from.

Dr Rotwang!

Quote from: RedFoxAhem.  Sorry, dunno where that came from.
It's from a lack of Olivia Newton-John rollerskate antics in your enteratinment diet.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.

Sacrificial Lamb

Quote from: StumpydaveWere this site solely a US phenomenon you might have a case.  However as a large chunk of us probably only care insomuch as how the foreign policy stands to affect us and we don't get a vote anyways I don't see many people giving a monkeys (no offense Christmas ape:) ).

However as the venerable Dr R has pointed out.  Nox has had a metric tonne of warnings and the like.  If someone really wishes to point to his banning as precedent then said potential bannee has to be a seriously fucked up individual.

For example. Anyone who likes Xanadu.

Oh stop that, you bad boy! :mad:  I love Olivia Newton-John. She's my baby. :swoon: :hug: :D

James McMurray

It's quite possible to love her and loathe Xanadu.


Quote from: CessnaThis all sounds familiar.

In fact, this is EXACTLY how rpg.net moderation started in 2001/2002.  EXACTLY.  I can dig up the threads and link to them if you like.

Be careful here.  If you aren't, six years from now you'll find yourself being called "fascist" by a  group of disaffected users for trying to keep a message board from being turned into a craphole, so that other people have a nice place to talk about games - only to end up with a place so bland and inane you yourself hate it.

But that would never happen here, right?

That may have been where it started, but it took some asshole moderators and administrators to get it to where it is today...

"Thus tens of children were left holding the bag. And it was a bag bereft of both Hellscream and allowance money."

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Quote from: SeanchaiThat may have been where it started, but it took some asshole moderators and administrators to get it to where it is today...

