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RSS feeds for the forums?

Started by Monster Manuel, November 11, 2010, 02:37:47 AM

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Monster Manuel

I have a Google home page that I use as my home base when I'm online. I refresh it dozens of times a day. Currently I have and EnWorld forum Feeds, but what I'd really like one for the RPGSite. Is there one?

I see RSS feeds for several forums in the Lounge, but for some reason I can't find one for the gaming fora.
Proud Graduate of Parallel University.

The Mosaic Oracle is on sale now. It\'s a raw, open-sourced game design Toolk/Kit based on Lurianic Kabbalah and Lambda Calculus that uses English key words to build statements. If you can tell stories, you can make it work. It fits on one page. Wait for future games if you want something basic; an implementation called Wonders and Worldlings is coming soon.

Monster Manuel

Huh. I'm actually working on solving my own problem, if anyone else is interested.

Edit: The forum as a whole, it seems:

Other Games:

Play by Post:

Pundit's Forum:


Media and Inspiration:

Design and Development:

I stopped here, because this was the last one I was looking for. If the mods don't want people to have these for some reason, feel free to close the thread, and sorry for any inconvenience. I actually think advertised RSS feeds will increase traffic and conversation; I know I'm more likely to come by if I see an interesting thread title.
Proud Graduate of Parallel University.

The Mosaic Oracle is on sale now. It\'s a raw, open-sourced game design Toolk/Kit based on Lurianic Kabbalah and Lambda Calculus that uses English key words to build statements. If you can tell stories, you can make it work. It fits on one page. Wait for future games if you want something basic; an implementation called Wonders and Worldlings is coming soon.


Actually, if you have a modern web browser, just click the RSS icon in the url field.

Monster Manuel

D'oh. I do, but I haven't gotten into all these new-fangled features. I still don't like using tabs, for example, so I didn't bother to look for other features that might be useful.

Sorry about that.
Proud Graduate of Parallel University.

The Mosaic Oracle is on sale now. It\'s a raw, open-sourced game design Toolk/Kit based on Lurianic Kabbalah and Lambda Calculus that uses English key words to build statements. If you can tell stories, you can make it work. It fits on one page. Wait for future games if you want something basic; an implementation called Wonders and Worldlings is coming soon.