Malicious code was found on the site, which has been removed, but would have been able to access files and the database, revealing email addresses, posts, and encoded passwords (which would need to be decoded). However, there is no direct evidence that any such activity occurred. REGARDLESS, BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. And as is good practice, remember to never use the same password on more than one site. While performing housekeeping, we also decided to upgrade the forums.
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Wandering heroes of ogre gate

Started by Bedrockbrendan, July 25, 2014, 02:53:47 PM

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Putting out the War of Swarming Beggars book on the Blog:

INTRO: http://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/war-of-swarming-beggars-introduction.html
CHAPTER ONE: RUNNING THE ADVENTURE http://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/war-of-swarming-beggars-chapter-one.html
CHAPTERS TWO AND THREE: HAI'AN OVERVIEW: http://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/war-of-swarming-beggars-chapter-two-and.html
CHAPTER FOUR: PEOPLES AND PLACES OF SWARMING BEGGARS http://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/war-of-swarming-beggars-chapter-four.html
CHAPTER FIVE: THE CITY OF DEE: https://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/war-of-swarming-beggars-chapter-five.html

also, here are the latest sessions of Lady Eighty Seven:

Session 13: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-13-the-drunken-inspector/
Session 14: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-14/
Session 15: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-16-a-fork-in-the-road/
Session 16: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-16-daofengs-two-fold-loss/
Session 17: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-17-poison-was-the-cure/
Session 18: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/lady-eighty-seven-session-18-against-the-glorious-emperor/
Session 19: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-session-19-made-from-iron/
Session 20: https://bedrockgames.podbean.com/e/sons-of-lady-eighty-seven-sssion-20-wulin-summit-os/


I finally gathered the time to describe the rest of the sessions of our Ogre Gate campaign. It became a huge post, although I only listed the events in bulletpoint format!

What Do You Do In Tekumel? See examples!
"Life is not fair. If the campaign setting is somewhat like life then the setting also is sometimes not fair." - Bren


Here are the latest episodes. There is a bit of gap because we had to take a break for a few weeks when one of our player's lung collapsed unexpectedly. Also, I've been mixing up the format between recaps and full sessions lately. So some are a break down of events after the fact by the players, some are full sessions.

We are probably one session away from the end of the campaign (or at least from a substantial break point). They are attacking the empire and in session 29 they start their march on the capital. After this session we are probably going to do a short Sertorius campaign, followed by Strange Tales, then another WHOG scenario (which I think might pick up in the aftermath of the Lady 87 campaign).

Session 29 Recap: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-in7fx-96576d

Session 28 (full session recording): https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-zf4xx-94073a

Session 27 recap: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-mkfbz-930ac6

Session 26 recap: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-8gvkq-92966f


Just an update on this one. The Lady Eighty Seven book is finally in the last stages of editing and should go into layout in April. Been in development for quite a while.

Here is a preview of the cover: http://thebedrockblog.blogspot.com/2022/01/lady-87-campaign-book.html


Started working on something I call The New Profound Masters of Ogre Gate. This isn't necessarily going to be a book (if there is enough material I will put out a book but otherwise it may be a blog entry). The aim is to expand the profound and immortal levels, sort of like a return to the old Profound Masters of Ogre Gate book but more updated for my current ways of running the setting. So it it has some freedom to deviate from established lore. I have been running two profound level campaigns and this is all stuff based on what I have been doing at the table.

The basic things I want to do are:

-Create more insight paths for different types of characters (not just typical immortals but characters who can become enlightened beings of Hen-Shi or who are Dehuan scholars).

-Go beyond the immortal levels and into godhood.

-Make celestial campaigns and celestial realms as gameable as possible.

-Stat out as many gods as possible so defeating them is a possibility

So far I am making good progress. I have many of the insight paths finished, and have been fleshing out the realms. I also created stats for the Enlightened Goddess as a starting point