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XP Uses

Started by Ghost Whistler, June 18, 2012, 06:54:48 AM

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Ghost Whistler

Are there any games that utilise XP for more than just character advances and if so does it work?
For instance using XP in the fashion of drama/luck points or even to offset other costs, such as currency.
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.


Some games employ an endgame mechanism. When a character has earned a certain number of experience, the character retires (TSoY) / becomes a traitor (Polaris) / becomes a God (D&D).

Marvel Universe asks players to write down a line for every XP, like: "I fought the White Queen's telepathic assault." These notes therefore show some events the player found interesting and can be used for a bonus should a similar circumstance occur.

Of course you can derive several mechanical elements from the same XP budget. Spend it on X, in addition Y happens at y XP etc.


I've used XP not only for skill advancement, but for attribute enhancement as well.  They can also be used for luck/hero point acquisition, which can then be spent for other things, (avoiding a death blow, an automatic hit, etc).
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.


The d6 system (aka WEG Star Wars) allowed you to use character points to boost your skills by a +D6 per point.

Honestly I never liked that. I like players being able to boost their rolls, however if they are spending their character points for this, it opens the door to wildly varied experience levels between characters (if that is important to the particular campaign).

WEG Star Wars had force points, which let you double all rolls for a single round. I always liked that because it came from a separate pool. But non-Jedi had limits I think for the # of FPs they could have.
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector


Quote from: Ghost Whistler;549618Are there any games that utilise XP for more than just character advances and if so does it work?
For instance using XP in the fashion of drama/luck points or even to offset other costs, such as currency.

Mayfair's DC Heroes.  Hero Points == XP at 1:1.

Some editions of Shadowrun treated karma this way, too.
D&D is becoming Self-Referential.  It is no longer Setting Referential, where it takes references outside of itself. It is becoming like Ouroboros in its self-gleaning for tropes, no longer attached, let alone needing outside context.
~ Opaopajr

Tommy Brownell

Marvel Heroic gets into metagame stuff like "Unlocks" - Gaining SHIELD clearance, essentially calling in an airstrike from allies that you've helped out, convincing a villain to have a change of heart, etc.
The Most Unread Blog on the Internet.  Ever. - My RPG, Comic and Video Game reviews and articles.

Ghost Whistler

do they actually use the term 'unlocks'?
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.


Quote from: Lynn;549647WEG Star Wars had force points, which let you double all rolls for a single round. I always liked that because it came from a separate pool. But non-Jedi had limits I think for the # of FPs they could have.

Not in 1st edition, I can tell you that.
Obvious troll is obvious. RIP, Bill.

Tommy Brownell

Quote from: Ghost Whistler;549873do they actually use the term 'unlocks'?

They actually use the term Unlocks, yes.
The Most Unread Blog on the Internet.  Ever. - My RPG, Comic and Video Game reviews and articles.