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Hacking the Tao

Started by Ghost Whistler, March 30, 2012, 10:05:41 AM

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Ghost Whistler

(Oh what a clever thread title, GW).

I'm developing a series of computer programs for my setting, as it takes a new turn, for a character class that's essentially a Daoist Hacker (ie they emulate what might be seen as Daoist sorcery in other settings through software, in a cyberpunk stylee). I would like to know what sort of things such programs should be able to do, off the tops of people's heads.

For instance: a healing program might be one that monitors a subject in real time and is connected to the subject's hardware to offer equally real time 'meridian actuation' (healing).
Or a program that interacts with spirits (ie Artificial Intelligences).
One that 'possesses' other machines.
A program that predicts the future, through complex modelling protocols and parameters.

That's what I have so far.
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.


a program that allows oneself to upload their essence into the system, and thus achieving taoist-cyber-immortality.

a virus that rearranges the neatly (but unnaturally) ordered files, passcodes, etc of a system, and changes them to better reflect taoist teachings (read: no one but a taoist can get in/use the system now).

simulations to speed up alchemical experiments.

That's all I got right now. Cool idea!
Like everyone else, I have a blog


You could create a Guman Thong (dead baby) as a kind of protector bot from traces and other hackers.

You could run on-the-fly-written programs that take control of other programs, including system defenses. Use a small bone coffin as an icon :D

You could run a program that alters the perceptions of opposing countermeasures or hackers to make them think their own system is attacking them, causing them to defeat their own defenses or even just shut them down.

Then there's just attack programs with a Taoist theme... would usually appear as the Taoist summing spirits or something along those lines.
- Chris Sigmund

Old Loser

"I\'d rather be a killer than a victim."

Quote from: John Morrow;418271I role-play for the ride, not the destination.

Ghost Whistler

Quote from: everloss;524849a program that allows oneself to upload their essence into the system, and thus achieving taoist-cyber-immortality.

a virus that rearranges the neatly (but unnaturally) ordered files, passcodes, etc of a system, and changes them to better reflect taoist teachings (read: no one but a taoist can get in/use the system now).

simulations to speed up alchemical experiments.

That's all I got right now. Cool idea!


There are ancient AI, but I think a program that allows that would either be a) too easy a way to achieve the ultimate goal of what was Taoist alchemy, or b) something that's fairly easy to do and so not quite such a spiritual achievement.

Alchemy is intended for something else (biomodification/genetic engineering).
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.

Ghost Whistler

Quote from: Sigmund;524868You could create a Guman Thong (dead baby) as a kind of protector bot from traces and other hackers.

You could run on-the-fly-written programs that take control of other programs, including system defenses. Use a small bone coffin as an icon :D

You could run a program that alters the perceptions of opposing countermeasures or hackers to make them think their own system is attacking them, causing them to defeat their own defenses or even just shut them down.

Then there's just attack programs with a Taoist theme... would usually appear as the Taoist summing spirits or something along those lines.

I call spirits Shen. Shen Software.
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.