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Combat System with Simultaneous Turns?

Started by Synchronicity, November 02, 2013, 02:10:52 PM

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Games with simultaneous combat:

Tunnels & Trolls
Spellbound Kingdoms
(classic) Traveller

I was working on a system using simultaneous combat. Combat occurs in abstract rounds (could be six seconds, could be sixty) with attacks and defense handled simultaneously. The exact amount of time is not important, only the rule that each character gets one rolled action per round.

This example is an abstract and there is very little flavor text, the focus is on the mechanics.


Gax is moving through a forbidden forest, hunting an evil wolf that has been terrorizing the village of Orlante. He knows the creature is far more dangerous than a typical wolf. It is a wolfen, both savage and maleficent. Across a small clearing, the monstrous wolf awaits. The beast is unafraid of the fighter and is ready to attack. Gax pulls his sword and races forward . . .


Title: Gax
Typecast: the Strong
Trade: Fighter
Tools: [A Bold Heart] [Mail] [Sword] [Tough as Nails]
Trademarks: [Charge] [Command] [Slash] [Heft]
Trumps: [Always Ready]
Tolls: [Fool's Rush In]
Threat: 4

Typecast: a monstrous wolf
Trade: Wolfen
Tools: [Thick fur] [Intelligent and capable of speech] [Swift and silent] [Sharp, wicked teeth]
Trademarks: [Bite] [Chase] [Howl] [Stalk]
Trumps:  [Demonic cunning] [Works together with pack]
Tolls: [Fear of fire] [Vile and corrupt breed]
Threat: 3

Round One:

Gax the Strong gets 3D for [fighter] [sword] [slash] and rolls a 6, 6, 2. Gax gets a 12 (6+6 for highest doubles].

The Wolfen gets 3D for [wolfen] [teeth] [bite] and plays the trump [demonic cunning] which cites: this hellish instinct allows a wolfen to ignore one successful attack from an enemy. Any opposed successful attack is negated for the round. The monstrous wolf rolls a 6, 4, 2 and gets a 6.

Gax wins the round 12 to 6 and in a normal situation would kill the wolfen with this score difference. But since the trump was played, no damage was caused by the fighter. Nice play wolf!

Round Two:

Gax the Strong spends 1 threat point (lowering his score to 3) and gets 4D [fighter] [sword] [slash] + [threat]. He rolls a 5, 5, 5, 1 for a 10 (5+5 for highest doubles) and also gains an extra triumph for the additional 5.

The wolfen also spends a threat point (lowering its score to 2) and gets 4D [wolfen] [teeth] [bite] + [threat]. The beast rolls a 6, 3, 1, 1 for a 6.

Gax hits the monstrous wolf with his sword. He gets one point for a successful attack, another for the margin (1 extra point for every three points difference) and two more for the triumphs. So his total is 4.

The wolfen's hide will soak 1 point. It takes another for the trouble Hurt. The rest must come off of its threat score. The wolfen gambled and lost. It's threat score is reduced to zero and the beast is dead.

Bloody Stupid Johnson

ah, forgot Pendragon.
Also: Fighting Fantasy/Advanced Fighting Fantasy