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Dubai By Night

Started by Opaopajr, October 10, 2012, 06:46:20 AM

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Been doing quite a bit of research on this, but I realized it's better to see it as a process and not a single massive project.  I also need to post more digestible pieces for people to pick and choose. So, I'll post focused posts of either important areas or important NPCs.


District of Jumeirah

Burj al Arab - luxury hotel
metro station: First Gulf Bank (Burj al Arab) - red line

Wiki images and general info Wiki: Burj al Arab

Summary: This modern hotel is built in the shape of a dhow, the Arabic name of the iconic traditional sailing vessel off local waters, upon an artificial island just off of Jumeirah beach. At 60 stories high yet comprised of 28 double-story floors for a mere 202 two-story suites (the smallest being 1,820 sq.ft.), this locale intends to be your palace away from palace. From private butlers to chauffeured Rolls Royce, Mercedes, or helicopter transfers, service intends to equal its setting. Hospitality with opulence is the touchstone description here.

WoD: Hospitality is indeed the touchstone of this location. The Ashirra community (the Ummah) works hard to accommodate anticipated honored guests. The Sultan of the City sees this location as the community's desired first face to 'peerage,' and specifically hosts new vampiric guests here upon their first visit to the city.

Primarily it receives powerful Kindred in style, setting the tone for any new visitors. Sort of a Rorschach test of visitor intentions, beyond being the height of available hospitality and discretion, guest reactions to the amenities and service reflects the guest's state of mind. Haven security is assured by the Sultan himself and no electronic surveillance is allowed within Kindred guest suites (Faraday shields are standard, of course, for your peace of mind). Also, any reasonable requests within the Sultan's power are generally accommodated automatically without necessary formalities.

Whether this is a test of virtue, trap of isolation, or merely the height of hospitality will never be revealed by the local Ashirra. The Sultan has his ways, and apparently the community sees (or is oblivious to) his wisdom in this and speaks not a word. Storytellers are encouraged to string along this uncertainty, as it reveals more of the player characters' attitudes than vice versa.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman



District of Deira

The Souks of Deira
metro station: Al Ras - green line

Summary: Located on an oxbow 'peninsula' of Dubai Creek just behind Port Rashid on the Gulf, this used to be the commercial heart of old town of Dubai. Souks, in Arabic, are traditional covered trading places. This locale stands out as four of the six trade goods here tend to the luxury market. The gold, perfume, spice, and textile souks share this busy space with the fish and vegetable souk, yet each distinct enough not to overwhelm the other.

Time has updated these souks with modernization and the streets are less of a maze than before. However it is still a sizable spread of city territory to get lost in. The spice souk in particular is the oldest and still retains a by-gone era labyrinthine charm.

Little nuances stand out as well: The perfume shops use an incense stick instead of spray from a tester-bottle. And you can craft your own, or mock up your favorite brand name, scents on location with the raw scents at their disposal. An electric sign ticks gold's market value before entering the Gold Souk. Also gold is sold by weight, not workmanship, bargaining is encouraged, and items generally stay within the 22K-24K range. Textile souk is flush with styles from around the world, from Middle, South, & Far East Asia, alongside European and African tastes. And it is lush with silks, brocades, damasks, and muslins, along with fine twill wools. And the spice souk sells an array of spices by the scoop or discreet packages, instead of little glass bottles familiar to the West.

WoD: This was the heart of the old town commerce, and as such retains the heart of the long serving ex-Sultan of Dubai Mutasharid (Nosferatu). Now as Imam he stays near the Royal Court and Grand Mosque across the creek from his beloved city heart. The place, steeped in the trade of luxury and beauty amid souls who are far more precious, serves as a reminder of the true value of things as he learned from current Sultan's past days with famous virtuous men, such as the Prophet (PBUH) and legendary Hatim Al-Tai.

Now that his mentor has awoken from centuries long slumber to be Sultan of Dubai, only to create what seems a world-sized test of virtue based upon the Fabled Seven Questions of Husn Banu, this Mutasharid retires from the city's overwhelming modern temptations. He knows his limits and as Imam chooses to focus on his path to virtue from a less noisome and more personal historied angle. That and, as commerce stays open to 10 PM daily, it's a great place to get lost amid beautiful things in Allah's creation (Sat-Thurs 10 am - 1pm, 4 pm - 10 pm; Fri 4 pm - 10 pm).

This place works best as an assault upon the senses. There are remaining mazes of alleyways, but overall much has been remade anew, so escaping authorities here is not practical. However you can get lost in another fashion. It is a place that epitomizes the city's penchant for discretion amid luxury; commerce is not beholden to the same intricate web of traceable Point of Sale transactions in the West. No one speaks of laundering, for a man's word is his honor, but...
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman



Community of Muhaisnah, in Deira District

The Labor Camps of Muhaisnah
metro station: Etisalat - green line

Summary: Muhaisnah is divided into four sub-communities (conveniently distinguished by just a number at the end), with Muhaisnah two through four being the main labor housing locales. This is the densest populated part of the city of Dubai. South Asian ex-pat labor predominates the population here. A common colloquial name for the area among the South Asian populace is Sonapur, translating to "City of Gold" from Hindi -- one presumes whether it's an ironic or genuine monicker depends upon one's fortunes.

Madinat Muhaisnah (City of Muhaisnah), or Muhaisnah 1, is a bedroom community right next to the southern tarmac edge of Dubai Int'l Airport. Muhaisnah two and three rests on and around a previous burial ground and current central cemetery. Muhaisnah four shares a border with this same central cemetery to the south, and a solid waste dumping area to its east. Between these two large landmarks is the Dubai Taxi Co. providing much needed transport for Dubai. Labor here usually works in construction and surrounding industrial parks, such as the northern community of Al Qusais.

WoD: Viewed as a necessary growing pain, this part of the city would be the locus of a traditional World of Darkness mood. An overcrowded home, surrounded by unsavory landmarks, for those who work long hours surrounded by luxury. Still well within the reach of authorities, it remains "a place not given to the lavish attention received elsewhere."

This is where the Kuei Jin have presence, but not domain. Mainly Thrashing Dragons and Thousand Whispers from the Golden courts of Indonesia and Infinite Thunders courts of India appear, but they try not to make too many waves. There are whispers that critical mass of cultural presence may have birthed Kuei Jin here, a sort of Modest Hop Westward if you will.

At any rate Bay't Mujrim (Ashirra Ravnos), and hidebound and aggressive Bay't Mushakis (Ashirra Brujah), of Pakistan and Bangladesh manage this area. The sultan has given them leave to police their native communities, as long as the proper sect duties to faith and proprieties of hospitality are maintained. Some speak of a few Qabilat al-Mawt (Ashirra Cappadocian) "practicing" here, but no one from the West can confirm, much to the Giovanni's discomfort.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Non-Player Character:

Ashirra Imam of Dubai

Amal ali al-Rahim
(Amal "hope, aspiration"; Rahim "kind, compassionate")
7th Generation
El Mutasharid (Nosferatu)
Unknown Sire
11th century -- Present Day

Amal's life had felt empty before and after the embrace. Once meeting with Dubai's current Sultan changed all that. A private moment of compassion to stranded sea life upon the Persian Gulf's moonlit beach led to the chance encounter and revelation. Since then Amal renamed himself from his new personal maxim: aspire to compassion.

As his mentor left his life after many years of instruction in the faith, Amal ali al-Rahim decided to care for his bit of gulf coastline as best he understood. And under his care the pearl diving and fishing communities of his coast lulled into a sleepy timelessness as the ages rolled by. However, things have changed much in the past 100 years.

At the start of the 20th Century, his mentor returned after centuries. After an emotional reunion his mentor requests, "Please let me be this coast's guiding hand in coming days." Naturally confused but immediately assenting, his mentor then requests, "And stay as the spiritual leader. I need you now."

In Dubai, the past half century has been a whirlwind, and Imam Amal ali al-Rahim within its center. He doubts his strength, but he believes in his mentor. And he fears any portent in those last words. It is a time calling surrender to faith.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

The Butcher

Just wanted to say that this is good stuff, and I'm always glad to see this thread updated.

Dubai sounds like a tall order (no pun intended) for a WoD game. I like setting this sort of game in places that are at least passingly familiar. But it's always fun to learn and little bit about a different place, then see it twisted into a WoD playground. :)


zOMG, thanks! I'm using Benoist idea to compile as much as possible about real world locations first and then flesh out the major NPC players. I think it's working so far since it helps me avoids NPC melodrama -- something I'm fighting against slipping into. That and writing up things piecemeal somehow forces me to be a bit more modular; I'm currently thinking this is a good thing.

I'm flipping through some new and old modules for comparison. Trying to be as sparse, yet colorful about characterization as I can. From a previous topic people stated excess setting baggage ruins utility. I'm going to try more "less is more," so any feedback on what's bloated and what's too spare helps.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

The Butcher

Quote from: Opaopajr;595659zOMG, thanks! I'm using Benoist idea to compile as much as possible about real world locations first and then flesh out the major NPC players. I think it's working so far since it helps me avoids NPC melodrama -- something I'm fighting against slipping into. That and writing up things piecemeal somehow forces me to be a bit more modular; I'm currently thinking this is a good thing.

I am a huge fan of doing exactly what you (and Ben) do; reading up on the place and inserting supernatural elements in the nooks and crannies of its history and geography. The World of Darkness (old or new) is built under the shadow of our own world, and I think keeping this in mind is the best way to go about building your urban fantasy sandbox.

I actually think NPC melodrama can be a good thing. Its primary function should be to generate conflict the PCs can participate in, directly or indirectly, willingly or otherwise. Secondarily, it can also adds depth and consistency to the setting, but this should always take a backseat to getting PCs involved.


Non-Player Character:

Ethiopian Male Go-Go Dancer (Laibon)

Dahnay Desta
(Dahnay = well; Desta = happiness)
9th Generation
Sire - Desta Tefere (Tefere = seed; Ethiopian custom takes the 1st name of the sire - male or female nowadays)
17th Century - Present Day

"Hey, I'm Dahnay, but you can call me 'Danny.' Have you been to Dubai long? Amazing, yah. Bartender, some juice for my friend. I'll be performing tonight, you know. Come watch, and bring your friends."

A party animal that can outlast the best of them. Left Addis Ababa to tour with the USO in WWII and toured with superstars decades since, Dahnay has ended up in Dubai in the past ten years. Naturally, how can anyone resist the shiny new toy? Living as a nubile, mocha twenty-something with a touch of alluring androgyny, this Kindred covers as a Go-Go dancing club kid. Add lengthy international contacts and the party never has to stop.

Lately there's some competition on the dance floor. There's a woman who's just... delicious. And her moves! She sways with her belly dance and Bollywood choreo and just for a moment steals away the eyes that rightfully belong to him. Good thing he's a fast study at dance.

They've been tearing it up along the club circuit, doing dance battles to promoting drink contests, and she's as shameless a flirt as he, with either sex. Good thing behind the screen Dubai is equal opportunity with its taste in entertainers. And so far nary a word as they devour each other with their eyes. Lately he's been getting in the belly dance circuit and performing along with her. The desert's been sweltering, and he's just returning the heat.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Non-Player Character:

Pakistani Female Belly Dancer (Ashirra)

Zaina Zaynah
(Zaina = beautiful; Zaynah = lovely one; stage name)
9th Generation
Bay't Mujrim (Ravnos)
Rahimateh Noya ('Grace' 'Adorned with Beauty')
18th Century - Present Day

"A sparkle from the belt, a shake from the hips, a chime from the finger cymbals... the world is mine but for a moment in dance. And for a taste of everything, oh how shall I steal their hearts by my zapaderin!" An entertainer walking both the Arabic and Indian worlds, Zaina's tasted the nightlife from Beirut to Bombay, and she's not sated yet.

Performance kept her alive in life, and now it keeps her vital in death. Without new attention the ghosts of the past settle in. A new place and new life every few years, gaining fame but never enough to destroy her mobility, Zaina Zaynah is a veteran of the 'stage without a fourth wall.'

And yet she's haunted... by a shadow tall, dark, and handsome. He ends up in all the same parties, vying for all the same patrons, and a savoir-faire that ensorcels as good as any illusion. He reminds her so much of her -- unreal.

But few things are better than the tease. Lately he's been walking on her side of gigs, and well, who doesn't appreciate initiative? Dubai is a city awash in grandeur, what better backdrop for the greatest of dances?: passion.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


I really like what you're doing here, and it's quite similar to the way in which I plan a game - it may inspire me to do a similar thread of my own.
Read my blog, Monsters and Manuals, for campaign ideas, opinionated ranting, and collected game-related miscellania.

Buy Yoon-Suin, a campaign toolbox for fantasy games, giving you the equipment necessary to run a sandbox campaign in your own Yoon-Suin - a region of high adventure shrouded in ancient mysteries, opium smoke, great luxury and opulent cruelty.


Ras Al Khor (Cape of the Creek), NE of highway intersection E 44 & E 66

Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary

Summary: Surrounded by large highways, with planes flying overhead, this is a big urban estuary for local & migrating wild birds (around 13 sq. km). Around 200 different bird species visit throughout the year. As noted by World Wildlife Fund, this is a crucial layover in the harsh desert coast.

Imported flamingoes have taken quite well here and have become oft photographed locals. However the Emirate's planting strategy of large mangrove swaths has been only marginally successful. Fenced off from the wandering public, there are three bird blinds for visiting bird watchers.

Open to visitors from 9 AM to 4 PM, Saturday through Thursday.

WoD: One of the few large areas of natural ecology within the city, it retains great import for Wah'Sheen (Gangrel) and users of Animalism. However, being essentially a mix of desert freshwater marsh and mud flat, it offers extremely little in the way of natural cover for the inexperienced. Perhaps that was the point of planting mangroves in the first place?

The predominance of small marsh birds (outside the now-local flamingoes, who pretty much go nowhere else) means bird spies are the main Animalism usage. However, they too tend to remain localized and seasonal.  There are a few overgrown areas to hide, but again they are at a premium. This in turn makes the preserve a hotly contested area for those dependent on Animalism or natural environs for havens. As an emergency hideaway for everyone else expect to be inconvenienced, a lot.

Wandering desert Wah'Sheen routinely kick out others who try to claim or take advantage of this space. They seem to like it to stay neutral, a place of lingering nomadic life for themselves and those they respect. As this helps regulate the space without overt effort, and keeps nomadic Wah'Sheen busy, the Sultan is wholly fine by this arrangement.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Dubai International Airport, Al Garhoud district

Dubai International Airport. (port acronyms. IATA standard: DXB; ICAO standard: OMDB)


Spread over 8,640 acres of land, is the home base of Dubai's 3 int'l airlines, Emirates, FlyDubai, and Emirates SkyCargo. Emirates is the luxury liner (and repeatedly voted world best luxury liner several years running). FlyDubai is the coach carrier, but still of such a high class that competes repeatedly with Singapore Airlines. Emirates SkyCargo is the cargo carrier.

As of September 2012, there are over 6,000 weekly flights operated by 130 airlines to over 220 destinations across every continent except Antarctica. Handling 57.7 million in passenger traffic, it is the 10th busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic. And it is the 3rd busiest airport in the world by international passenger traffic, surpassing Hong Kong Int'l Airport now. Further it is 6th busiest cargo airport in the world, handling 2.27 million tons of cargo in 2012.

All this employs 58,000 people directly, and ends up supporting over 250,000 jobs in Dubai (19% of total Dubai employment, and 28% of Dubai GDP). With 3 Terminals there are notable airport features:

Al Mijalis VIP Pavilion & Dubai Executive Flight Terminal - Largest VIP terminal in Middle East, with its own immigration and customs sections, Duty Free outlet, fully equipped business & conference center, eight luxury private lounges and a limousine service between aircraft and terminal.

Cargo Mega Terminal - one of the world's largest cargo hub, mainly servicing cargo from Asia and Africa.

Flower Center - Dubai is a major hub for import/export of flowers. Specialized center with maintained ambient 2°C to 4°C temperature for handling flowers.

As a massive port supporting the Dubai miracle, it is (along with the sea port) of pivotal importance to the Sultan and his authorities to control. A gateway for the world to one's doorstep, all levels of authority from human UAE, Emirati, and Dubai governance to kindred Ashirra and Sultan governance spare no expense maintaining its safety, luxury, convenience, and productivity. If there's one place absolutely sustained on human, ghoul, and vampiric cooperation (and discretion) it would be here.

However, unlike vulgar displays of authority inconveniencing customers, a mind-swimmingly coordinated network of personnel observation supplements traditional security measures. Yes, there's expected customs and security gates, but there's no further rigamarole and indignities to aggravate customers. One may call it good old fashioned espionage anticipating and isolating problems before they start.

That said, this framework is also deliberately flexible to accommodate discretion of another sort. Besides the regular paperwork and recordings of modern security, the VIP and cargo areas allow discreet maneuverings for underground workings, both kine and kindred alike. However there is a difference between authorities deliberately turning a blind eye and authorities being uselessly lax. Many a disruptor discovered this lesson to their, sometimes 'Final', chagrin.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Non-Player Character:

Saudi Arabian Male Ashirra, Dubai 'Alim (religious scholar, usually Sunni)

Basim al-Munir ibn Taweel al-Nuaim ('Sparkling Smile', son of 'Tall', of Nuaim tribe)
a.k.a. Abdul Karim al-Munir al-Saudiyye (the Sparkling Saudi servant of a generous man)
11th Generation
Bay't Mushakis (Brujah)
childe of Taweel ibn Saqr al-Nuaim ('Tall', son of 'Falcon' of Nuaim tribe)
1790 - Present Day

A child born after the seeds of Wahhabi Salafism (strictest Muslim fundamentalist religious interpretation) were sown in the Najd (eastern half of Arabian peninsula) through initial peaceful dialogue, Basim knows the value of shared tea and a smile. To see backroom dealing and applied insurgent violence free themselves from Ottoman Turk colonialism was a good lesson. Well, that and help from Europeans fighting among themselves while sending convenient allies; he still misses his friend Thomas Lawrence...

The lessons of opportunistic advance while enemies are distracted again bore fruit when Saudi Arabia circumvented UK and USA ambitions on control of their oil. Ownership and wealth matters; by buying out controlling shares in the national oil company, instead of outright nationalization and giving casus belli for UK and USA to war with the nascent state, Saudi Arabia averted economic neo-colonialism. Now Wahhabism has money to spread its good news of returning to Islamic fundamentals!

And with a righteous charm offensive so shall the war faction of the Ashirra return its umma (community) to its rightful place among kindred. Dubai is an important place now, and al-Munir has been sent by a wealthy benefactor to assist the burgeoning community. In fact, the Sultan has adopted al-Munir's lessons on discreet diplomatic techniques to maintain security, and as one of the supervisors of city kindred justice and security even appointed him as a religious scholar. If only he could shake the feeling that his Dubai sobriquet, Adbul Karim al-Munir al-Saudiyye, means more than its positive connotations...
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Just found this. You really should have posted it in General, as most won't see it here. Very cool thread.
Sword and Board - My blog about BFRPG, S&W, Hi/Lo Heroes, and other games.
Sword & Board: BFRPG Supplement Free pdf. Cheap print version.
Bushi D6  Samurai and D6!
Bushi setting map



I put it here because I thought this was the proper forum place as I was readin their descriptions. Perhaps it won't get much viewing, but I already had a previous topic there in General about this. From the advice there I fleshed out enough direction to come here.

If you want, you can prbably search and necropost the old General Discussion topic. I know there's new theory directions to take this beyond my location & NPC roster so far. I'm just sparing the concrete work the overlap of theoretical hashing.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman