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Collegium Arcana Online

Started by LordVreeg, June 27, 2013, 04:57:18 PM

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So after 46 full sessions, and a number of intermezzo sessions...maybe a total of 70...and with no sign whatsoever of slowing...

I come to the strange conclusion that this, my lowest combat (by far), most social and political game (and I've run a lot), strangest game I have run....is actually the most suited to a real narrative.

It actually matters to me.
I know that the play and the game encompasses all the joy and excitement one needs.  But I've always liked it when there was a good story created.

But this is not just a few vignettes.  More than any game I've done, this holds together as a really strong narrative.  Spooky Gothic coming of age tale.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


forty seven full sessions, and I count 33 intermezzo sessions.

So, really, 80 sessions in the collegium game.  
And we've played into the 21st of Hisui, or, as the elders in the Silverwood still call it,  Hisieohum (the month of Leaf-fall), Hisui being the Fifth Goesi of six in the full year So about 20.5 days played through.

After the celebrations of the Day of Chaos on Fastak, the players return to class on Dunsak, the 21st.  They get news of some major school events coming, and try to work through some of the stuff they have learned...  And during Void Sources class, Warden Frimak brings them an abishae from the Ninth House to see...

Also, States Warden Frimak...."Though this is a very important trip...."
"On Lawsak of the next hawaak...the 35th"
"A very,very important event takes place, the Fraternal Regalia"
Pholian Mar: I whisper to Les'z "I swear, we have more events than learning here"
LordVreeg (GM): he says it as if it is like a final exam and party rolled into one
"Classes are actually canceled that day, as all Fraternal Orders will be represented"
(From Les'z): it's an 8 day week? remind me
LordVreeg (GM): "this day every year is one of the most important"
(To Les'z): yep
LordVreeg (GM): "For those of us at a certain point, we represent and show the best part of our fraternal order"
Durhum Lentilles: "But sir, we aren't in any fraternal orders"
Les'z: I whisper back "another day you can fall in a table of wine!"
LordVreeg (GM): "For you, you get to move from tent to tent learning about the orders and picking betwen them"
Pholian Mar: "Well it's not like I haven't made a nigh - deadly enemy of the leader of Reaprs lately..."
I whisper to Les'z
LordVreeg (GM): he looks sternly at Durhum..."INdeed, dexie. Perhaps after a millenia, the school knows that about dexies"
Durhum Lentilles grimaces and looks elsewhere
Les'z: "oooh ouch, Durhum" whispers Les a bit unnecessarily
LordVreeg (GM): "but it is a time for this year, and the next five, you'll be free to make acquaintance and maybe even be recruited"
"in reality, after you get to your Caltredemic year, you'll have a good idea where you are going"
(To Pholian Mar): I am just imagining how this would be done on screen
(From Pholian Mar): Hah, I can imagine that pretty well
LordVreeg (GM): "So, Dexies...You have those events coming up"
Pholian Mar: I continue to whisper "Still, I guess I know where I'll be going. You?"
LordVreeg (GM): "A very busy class schedule with tests on the 34th, and a trip, then the Fraternal Regalia."

then later in Void Sources...the Warden brings forth an abishae...

Les'z cocks an eye
LordVreeg (GM): "The reason the Devilkin and entropics are so well known is that they seem to seek entrance here, and that they are very intelligent
he walks to the back of the long room
and opens a door in the back....
Pholian Mar: I take notes slowly, trying and somewhat failing to write and keep paper from moving with one hand
LordVreeg (GM): A dark green, winged creature is behind the door
Les'z looks suitably impressed
LordVreeg (GM): Maybe four dovhab long
with giant yellow eyes....it launches itself into the air...moving slowly
Durhum Lentilles tries to remember if he's seen a statue of the creature...
(To Durhum Lentilles): roll d100
Pholian Mar: My jaw drops
Durhum Lentilles: rolling d100
= 14
LordVreeg (GM): Frimak..."This is Hararuinimikalisomba. "
(From Durhum Lentilles): rolled 14, not sure what skill detect +order/cahaos is 12
Les'z: "that's easy to remember" muses Les
LordVreeg (GM): "Senior Enchanter Peldak has allowed him to come here....he's an Abishae, from the Ninth house
white and red sputters around the green, shining creature
it seems to move one limb at a time,
Pholian Mar: I tilt my head, trying to get a better look at it
LordVreeg (GM): it flies out a bit towards you
towards the students
Frimak...."Gar, n'bor...sima Hararuin"
he seems a bit concerned
The flying creature frowns....."Hararuin tomba Cabal ...Cabal"
Pholian Mar: I stumbled a bit backwards when it flew forward
"Uhm, is it safe, WArden?"
LordVreeg (GM): and it stares over at your area...
(To Durhum Lentilles): the thing said..."Hararuin sees brethren...brethren"
LordVreeg (GM): Frmak...distrazcted as many are moving arouns and stepping back
Durhum Lentilles steps forward
LordVreeg (GM): FRimak..."Aye, or it will be and there will be issues"
The thing turns to Durhum....

And of course, somehow, they get through the days, to another cliffhanger...
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Full Session 49 last Thursday, with some intermezzo sessions thrown in.

The Dexie Students get together to compare some notes, but also with some verbal jousting and rough exchanges.  And siccing ghosts on each other.  

They are all dealing both as a group with major plot issues, at the same time realizing there is a field trip to the Dilvan Spires on Mt. Coriel later in the hawaak, and major exams the week after.

And a wireframe statue of a heron that has been in their attic dorm area is found to contain a secret, after walking by it hundred if not thousands of times...
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


So, we've hit the big Five Zero.
Session fifty (not counting the intermezz sessions).

The game continues to be very different than anything I;ve done, and I've run some strange games.

The Dexie students spent the first part getting together in the common room of the attic of their dorm and comparing notes from their various classes and meetings and findings, the most important being the gold/brass handles Pholian found after listening to a riddle from a ghost.  
Darn things were hidden in the back of a statue that they pass every day.  

Then, the group headed down to the Sing Along with their second prefect (the ravishing Suzanni), where they spent the rest of their session making friends and building status, and Lez's found his proclivity for Mentalist Magic helped his musical prowess. They gathered around the Pianochord, in a room with candles, a lantern, and a fireplace, so there was some cheery light, and the PCs felt, for the first time, like they sort of belonged in Kravent Hall.

So, yes, much lower threat level than many games I've run.  And much, much more of a mystery/gothic/social game.  But After 50 sessions and no sign of slowing...there is something to it.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Sometimes you don't need big threats to hold the players interest (especially if they are invested in the setting). Sounds like a fun session.


Quote from: BedrockBrendan;832888Sometimes you don't need big threats to hold the players interest (especially if they are invested in the setting). Sounds like a fun session.

Well, though there are huge, overarching events that affect them, the students are just that, very talented first-year students, but still first year students.  And  part of the 'Mystery and History' vibe is details.

They just found a pair of ancient Venolvian Handles hidden in a wireframe sculpture of a heron that they have passed hundreds of times.  And are trying to find what type of magic, what time period, and what they are handles to...and this and the daily interactions are most of what they do.

Now, there is a field trip to the Dilvan Towers which which take the next few sessions...this is going to be an interesting group of sessions.

We just had session 51, and we'll be having full group sessions until the field trip is over.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Session 53 in the books, with the students taking a field trip up to the ancient Dilvan Towers above Stenron.  Here, there are vestiges and evidence of the hoary Pyro-mentalist magics used to defend an older version of Stenron and communicate with others.  

The pacing of the game is carefully slow, to allow for all sorts of roleplay and relationship building, as well allowing for them to dig up historical clues, as well as detect some clues about the myriad of forces looking for the statues they have and are working with.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Session 54 in the books, and we have 55 coming up.
And gaining steam.

This is all a set piece in the sandbox, a field trip to ancient towers that ring Stenron, using an ancient Pyro-Mentalist magic.  Superseded hundred of years later by a more simple mentalist network, it was still far more capable and puissant magic.
The students, being more sensitive to the Woo than normal caster, are nearly overcome with the ancient magics artificed into this tower.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


We just finished session 57 of the Collegium Arcana game.

The Dexies (First year students) survived the field trip out to the Dilvan Towers, examples of ancient PyroMentalist magics, after being in classes for some 28-odd days.  The whole class (some 450 students plus teachers and prefects) went on the 26th and 27th, getting back in the first hour of Fastak, the 28th.  Fastak is the day or worship of the 8 day week (Hawaak), and the day they don't have any classes on.
First real exams are coming up in the forthcoming Hawaak, Monak the 34th, followed by a huge annual event on Lawsak the 35th, called the Fraternal Regalia.
So session 57 starts, it is early, and the attic dwellers (the PCs ended up in an old attic in an upperclassmen dorm) got up and are headed back from breakfast in North Hall, across the Golden Quad, dealing with other students and going over the events of the field trip, as well as dealing with the upcoming exams.
Breakfast, even in the huge commons under North Hall, is a crowded, clamorous affair. Students and faculty and prefects come in and out, many already headed north towards the Godstraat for worship.  

Durhum Lentilles: We should ask if any of the upper years have previous years exams
Any kind of edge would be nice.
 Christo.." is that cheating?"
Durhum Lentilles: No not at all. Its not this years exam
 Bosh, softly..."Unless it is..."
Vee: "I don't think it's a particularly good idea."
Durhum Lentilles: Then if the professor is too dumb to change, its their own fault.
Pholian Mar: I, like any responsible young adult, am still brooding and have storming off

Pholain Mar, one of the PCs with a very, very strong necromantic sensitivity had a little conversation with a long dead professor during breakfast that the other Attic Dexies hid from the crowds. The crew has decided to make a second visit to the hidden Library of Lost Students they found a few hawaaka back, and had not returned to.

As they get back to Kravent Hall, they are stopped by High Prefect Farslung Jobs , a gentle large Orcash Priest and a student from the Aid of Faith Fraternal Order.  Normally friendly though he is the head prefect in Kravent, they get called to the carpet after Jobs catches on (thanks to Durhum's big mouth) that they are planning 'activities'.

Farslung Jobs herds you into his office and shuts the thick, Shoefelwood door behind you.
"Armor? really? what are you lot planning now? Haven't you been in enough trouble?"
the room is lit by a fireplace and 2 lamps
Durhum Lentilles: Its dangerous. Ive been subject to attempted murder and Pholian lost an arm. Were hardly being unreasonable
Prefect Jobs.." Are you not aware of all those who put their jobs on the line to retain your scholarship?"
Prefect Jobs..." Durhum, your assertions, according to the Council, are a combinatrion of fact, paranoia, and conjecture"
he seems exasperated
Christo..."We all see things a bit differently"
Durhum Lentilles: Fact, yes.
Prefect Jobs, "yes, Durhum, no one doubts your sincerity"
rolling d100 (84)= 84
Bosh.." Sir, nothing isd wrong with us trying to put Pholian's mind at ease. Do you think we imagined himlosing a hand?"
Vee: "We really do understand your point of view, but what are we supposed to do?"
"I mean, what would you do if you were in our situation? Believing what we believe?"
Prefect Jobs, "Perhaps, Dexie Vee, I'd listen to what the Council and professors told you!"[/I]
And the chastened PCs try to figure out how to get ready for exams and explore the Library of Lost Students without being caught, for the rest of the session.

Now, it is interesting how pacing affects things.  This is a very, very social heavy game.  So we expect many interactions to be played out that would not be in some games.  But with the protagonists being first year students, the lack of actual combat and the affects of mysteries make the act of exploring the basement of Gronth Hall again, where they found the long-forgotten Library of Lost Students, much more dramatic than it would be in a more typical adventure based RPG.
So among the many lessons of this particular game, there is the one that pace and setting can create a lot more tension when exploring a hidden, forbidden place than a typical game seems to.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Dilvish Hall of the Collegium Arcana...
(see here for the original with links)

Fluted Dilvish Hall is one of the buildings on the campus of the Collegium Arcana that is shrouded in history deep enough as to make the actual origins unclear.  The Omwo family of that name is nearly synonymous with the magics from the Age of Legends, and the Dilvan Towers that dot Mount Hiset-Hoy and the Coriel Mount were created by them before the Common Age.  White and graceful, Dilvan hall is an ageless, graceful exception to the dark, squared and regular buildings in that hoary campus.  It actually was nearly unused for a century, after much of the upper government of the Collegium Moved to Orbi in 739RON and the contraction that followed.  The Kankenbytes moved in and created the Sprung Warren in 844 RON.

In a world of magic, or at least where a small portion of the population can touch the Void, the Sprung Warren of the Fraternal Order of the Kankenbyte sticks out as atypical. Nearly otherworldly they seem, in their love of iron and powders, of careful measurement and sudden explosions. Since magic has done the heavy lifting for thousands of years in the place of technology, most minds don't even look at the mechanical. The Kankenbytes, on the other hand, have a mission to take the stunted knowledge of physics, kept alive by miners and builders, and use magic to multiply the power of this science. The Sprung Warren, therefor, houses huge metal springs, cogs and wires, with gears and interlocked metal wheels and brawny axels, all strewn about in like an expanded version of a tinker's chest. And all about, everything is placed partially assembled and left with the seeming lack of care of something that someone plans to get back to...eventually.

These Kankenbytes, colloquially the Gearheads, dwell in the Basement of Dilvish Hall, in the North East corner of the Golden Quad. Fluted and constructed of occasionally polished White Fidikmarple, with a tapering tower on the west end, Graceful Dilvish is an odd place to hide the smokes and powders of the Alchemical Kankenbytes, as well as above them, the dim and haunted Reapers Brotherhood in the tower-side of the building, and the Tarphon Day Charter filling much of the rest of it.  The Reapers tower is swathed in Green lights some nights, and many students, and admittedly, some faculty, avoid entering from the west side as the undead servants of the Reapers, skeletal pets, zombic butlers and sliver-souled yammering skulls, unnerve many who are not used to them.
Since the Kankenbytes and the Charter utilize the power of artifice, they can be found borrowing a wand or powder like a neighbor borrows sugar, up and down the stairs, yet after decades of this arrangement, they've never combined their storage, both jealously thinking they've been the better neighbor yet both thinking there is something slightly mad about the other; though truth be told, the Tarphon Day Charter, with their work with combining the Alchemic with the Animal Oversoul in creating better, happier beasts of burden and husbandry, is thought of very kindly by the populace, and the Kankenbytes are viewed, at least by those outside the Collegium Arcana, as half daft and a quarter cracked.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Oh, the legs of this thing.

I just posted the notes from full session Sixty Four. Session Sixty Five is Thursday night.

The players, first year students, have played out much of their first semester of the school year, with the first set of exams coming up.  At the same time, they are searching for a set of statues that house the spirits of an ancient hidden order dedicated to raising the Dreadwing, an ancient evil.  Session sixty Four has them refinding the Library of Lost Students, at the behest of a ghost they spoke to.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.



Session 65, last week, found the students slowly and carefully exploring the Library of Lost Students, discovered under old Gronth Hall. One of the student PCs is a necromantic sensitive, and a ghost of an old professor told him there was something they could save there.
"Cold and dead they waited in slumber.
Long their black hearts denied the light
Now at last they awake in number
More than one life to be saved this night"

The group spends the session exploring, avoiding an angry ghost only a few could see, and discover a locked door out, with sigils of a bleeding eye and a set of pipes that are shaped like a fan. Searching the library, they discover the Haunted History of the Logos Camue (Order of the Blood) and the the Rules and History of the Order of the Meter, which gives them the means to open the locked door leading deeper into the Library...
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Sessions 66 and 67 have been uploaded to the system


The students are exploring (and looting, a bit) under Gronth hall, in the secret Library of Lost Students, in the wee early hours of the morning. Following whispered hints and clues from ghosts, they have passed through locked and secret doors, found evidence of ancient ritual slaughter.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


Work has been insane, with us opening a lot more showrooms.  
But gaming has gone on.  The Collegium Game just had session 97, and are well into the second half of the first trimester.  The wheels are falling off a bit, in that the upper faculty are becoming more aware of the hauntings that swirl around the young students.  
Again, a very low-power, deep game in that the PCs have spent 97 sessions mainly on campus, dealing with the mysteries and hidden factions, as well as their classes and learning magic in the daylight.  As I surmised early when I started this online game, it has legs.  97 sessions in, and I see little slowing.

"I heard something, Dexies", Says a voice from behind your table...
Connor Bin. Looking haggard, his normal omwo perfection ground down by heavy classwork and worry...
Durhum turns to look
Durhum then looks unimpressed when he sees who it is

LordVreeg (GM): Connor... "Or more, I felt it. Lots of ghosts suddenly, then they were gone. Lots of the Necromantic guilds mentioned it"
Durhum: Could be, there was a lot of ghosts in the mists when your uncle disappeared as well.
Weird stuff.
LordVreeg (GM): Connor nods..."Something is being triggered around you kids sometimes...no way around it. It is a weird feeling, nothing is there...then a lot"
Durhum: That's... not a comforting way to start the day at all.
LordVreeg (GM): The Klaxik sitting next to him nods...he Also wears the scythe pin of the Reapers Guild
Connor..."Sorry, but while there are always plenty of ghosts, they sort of rise and fall naturally..."
Durhum: Nature of the world. You'd think a place with this many necromancer would have better shriving
LordVreeg (GM): Klaxik..." Ye would think, but most of the ones on campus we figure don't want to be"
Les'z: Or better control of the local undead
LordVreeg (GM): Connor..." That is more to the point. There are wards, and they seem to be broken"
Durhum: Well, Kravent is still safe. We haven't seen anything inside our Dorm
LordVreeg (GM): Gregoir..." Grand though"
Connor nods..." That is true"
Everyone seems to be finishing up
but savoring last sips of kafee
Les'z: "Does Kravent have an unusual ward, Connor?"
LordVreeg (GM): Connor..." Many of the buildings and all the dorms have some. I've not heard that Kravent's were different."
rolling d100
= 65

Les'z: Hmm
Durhum: Do wards get stronger with age? Kravent is pretty old
LordVreeg (GM): Connor.."most get weaker"
Durhum stands up and puts a raisin bagel in his pocket
"Time for classes"
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


the Collegium Game plays tomorrow.  Always good news.  

One of the PCs was remarking on all the many Fraternal Orders they have met with and dealt with and work with, as one of the strengths of that particular game, but also one that illustrates one of the hidden strengths of the system.  The Collegium is made up, after graduation, of many Fraternal Orders of different focus and strengths.  Every student, after their Fifth year, becomes a prefect and a member of one of the Fraternal Orders.  And these orders have chapters all over the world in other Collegiums as well, so this is part of their connection and exit into the greater world.  And each has it's own focus of magic, and how that m agic works with their particular mission and philosophy.
But these Orders are not merely constructs of the Fluff of the game. Underpinning each Order is the fact that the system gives each Order actual differences in their particular skill sets, in magic and other skills, and even differences in how resistant they are to types of magic, how fast they regain ability after casting in different areas, their success of casting different types, and more.  

And from a larger picture, this is an expression of how the game was originally designed over 30 years ago.  To create a synergy of Skill-based and class based and get the best of both types.  To create characters who could create wildly different characters from the same sort of beginnings, then to have them 'become what they do', as a skill based game, while having the ability to have advantages in those skills that come from their particular guilds and orders.  

The current list of Fraternal Orders the PCs have come into contact or knowledge of, from here.

Guilds, Fraternities and Organizations
Reaper's Brotherhood - Fraternity, very old, of Necromancer-prime casters.  Large Scythe Badge, the reapers have a bit of Artificer and a pronounced and taught lack of connection with humanity.
RightMakers Fraternity - Fraternity of Artificer and Earth magicians, crafters and workers, a bit anti-Istar.  Builders and creators.
Brothers of the Southern Eye - Fraternal order of Mentalist and Transport magic, tied to many merchants.  Their magic moves money, and they are aligned with many Mercantile guilds.
Light of Pengrast-Mentalist and Order communicators, with a healing bent.   They often work with the BBN.
Aid of Faith - Order of mages that are priests in a faith, studying in the Collegium.  Many religions are represented in this scholarly angle on the magic of faith.
The Order of the Kankenbyte -  Fraternal Order of Artificers who marry science, creation, and magic.
The Swords Arcanic-A martial brotherhood, studying the violent uses of the Woo and swordplay, as well.
The Tarphon Day Charter-An Animist/Artificer fraternity of using magic to work with the population.  Two hundred Dadem old, based on partnering with the other town or city guilds, to get things done and build a good reputation for the Collegium.
The Earthwrought- A group of Geomancers, with heavy plant and mineral background.
Cabal of the Elements- Honorary order that can only be bestowed,  Members have power in all four major elements.
Ministry of Demise-Necromancer/Death mages with Mentalist and dream abilities.  Small, rarely seen but feared.
Order of the Hunt - Small Fraternal order of Animist and Air users.  Wealthy, quiet, hunters.
Order of Smoke-Fire and Air mages, with roots in Gorntar.  The touch of mentalist is for making smoke and fire illusions and fireworks.
The Southern Flame-Very Martial Fire Order, combatants and supporters of the military tradition.
Salome Zombie Talkers-Political Order of Mentalism and Necromancy.
The Brown Riders -Animist/Earth tenders of beasts and servants of the Earth.
Logic's Path - Order mages who teach a zen, martial arts, and some animism.
The Red Armor-Chaos and Artificer with a martial bent, big on buffs.
The Wise Fools-From a few students hailing from Sembina in the late 700s came the precepts of the Wise, Mentalist/sages.
Water's Way-Chaos, Water and Air magi working with weather and Entropy.
The Logos Camue- Long Defunct forbidden secret order: The Meaning of the Blood.  Death. Mentalist, and Necromancy.
The Ancient Order of the Meter-Still extant old guild tied to the local bardic guilds.  Mentalist based order of musicians and those who work in meter and time.  
Handles of Hope -Artificer-Water pottery and glassblowing guild
Grain of Uncertainty- Earth/Entropy mages who see the whole cycle.
Hold of the Unknown-Mentalist and Law sages and philosophers who serve the Barrister community.
Diplomats of Rezor-Eighth House and Mentalist Order, training diplomats to be the voice of the Collegium.  About a hundred and fifty years old, messengers and politicians.
View of the Stage-Mentalist/bardic group of actor-mages , seekers of attention and the audience.
The Spirit and the Heart-Animists with a fire affinity, loving snakes and creatures of the Third Station
Mirthers of Yore - an old, barely extant guild of musician-sages, tied to the church of Irony and Black Humor
The Endless Change-Water/Chaos mages with some mentalist
Servant's Army- Offshoot of the Reapers, from some 20 years past, Artificer -Necromancers who create items of dark power.
Life's Water-Ancient group of Water mages, who use Order and Life in harmonious potion making.
Gardeners of  the Steel General- Omnian order of earth/law magi, who build gardens of refuge.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.