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Chi/Palladium Games Ninjas & Supersies Question

Started by Ghost Whistler, February 24, 2013, 03:34:10 PM

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Ghost Whistler

I am trying to find out how Chi works in Ninjas and Superspies for my own system. I hear it has a negative (not yin?) system for dark powers. How does that work? Thanks.
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.

The Butcher

Chi Mastery powers are divided into Positive Chi abilities, grant the power to to heal self or others, or to increase attributes; Positive or Negative Chi powers, which can be used with either sort of Chi, can grant bonuses to phsical attacks and defenses or sense weak spots in opponents or objects; and Negative Chi powers actually allow for serious Dark Side shit like ranged telekinetic attacks.

The kicker is that to use Negative Chi abilities you have to flush out the positive Chi from your body and become "charged" with negative Chi, which, amomng other things, inhibits natural healing. If you're knocked down to 0 HP and unconscious while charged with Negative Chi, you're shit out of luck.

Ghost Whistler

So negative chi can be used for positive chi powers and vice versa?

what is the process of 'flushing'? Is that the only means to acquire the opposite kind of Chi?
"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.

The Butcher

Quote from: Ghost Whistler;631491So negative chi can be used for positive chi powers and vice versa?

what is the process of 'flushing'? Is that the only means to acquire the opposite kind of Chi?

They don't really keep track of distinct Chi scores.

You're either charged with positive Chi (default for every living thing) or you tap into negative Chi by flushing the positive Chi out of your body (which gives access to Dark Side of the Force-like negative Chi powers, but curtails natural healing, and is a bad, naughty, evil, unnatural thing to do).

To use positive Chi powers, you must be charged with positive Chi. And there are a few "positive or negative Chi" powers that can be used with either sort of "charge".

Ghost Whistler

"Ghost Whistler" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Parental death, alien battles and annihilated worlds.