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Planescape (2e) module reviews

Started by Vladar, October 08, 2023, 03:46:26 AM

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For the last three years I've run a Planescape campaign through almost all of its modules. Now, after successfully finishing it, I want to look back and review these adventures, highlighting the pros and cons of each one, starting with the introductory one — "To Baator and Back".

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
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Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
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An introductory adventure of "The Great Modron March" anthology — "The March Begins".


Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


A review of a level-agnostic adventure from "The Well of Worlds" anthology — "Love Letter".


Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Once again, a good module from the same anthology. Now we go to Carceri to save a dead dwarf.

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


A review of the second chapter of "The Great Modron March" anthology — "The Unswerving Path".

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today's review is the third chapter of "The Great Modron March" anthology — "Ambushed!", where the party tries to protect the modrons from being captured by the order of evil nomadic knights.

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today's review is about four mysterious portals of Sigil that open every 500 years and lead to the places most mysterious, even by the multiverse's standards.

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today's review once again brings you to Sigil, where a serial killer is on the loose, a new cult worships the Lady of Pain, and even the dabus act weird and nervous. Whoever is behind all of this, you soon understand that the answer lies inside the Harbinger House...

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today we explore the wild splendor of Beastlands and its inhabitants while trying to figure out how to return the Great Modron March to its original route.

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today's adventure takes the characters from Sigil to the stalking grounds hidden deep in Carceri and the savage jungles of Beastlands. Will the heroes fall prey to the ruthless Malarite hunters or come out victorious?

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Valdar, thanks for posting these!

I have always found Planescape interesting, but have never played in the setting and never had a party that wanted me to run it / or felt secure enough in wrapping my head around the setting assumptions (v my normal lower magic games) to push to run it.


Quote from: Lurker on June 07, 2024, 10:32:32 AMValdar, thanks for posting these!

You are welcome!

Quote from: Lurker on June 07, 2024, 10:32:32 AMI have always found Planescape interesting, but have never played in the setting and never had a party that wanted me to run it / or felt secure enough in wrapping my head around the setting assumptions (v my normal lower magic games) to push to run it.

Well, for that you need the players that are interested in the setting itself. Generally, fans of Planescape: Torment are a good bet.
Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog


Today the characters arrive to Bytopia, investigating a radical group from Mount Celestia that tries to covertly take control over the large trading town of Yeoman.

Into the Dungeon: Revived — a lightweight fantasy-themed role-playing ruleset designed for a streamlined gameplay.
My blog